Show REWARD one li hundred undred dollars will bo abe for additional information that will holp help convict the person parson who sot got firo fire to the morgan urus cut ore house sunday juno julio all information will be strictly confidential goo T stenhouse INIa manager na M 0 mg co FIRST NATIONAL BANK MORGAN UTAH established september 1003 1903 capital stock doo hooft a general gon oral banking business wo pay 1 I 1 per par cent on oil savings accounts i n t a 0 r a 0 s t compounded quarterly deposits received in any sum suin from 1 up why not open an ail account with u us 9 and establish tile habit of savin saving a little from tho the present income it will bo be needed after while JAMES PIN president josl joyan WILLIAMS vico pres J 4 L HATCH Cash mashlor lor t ogden between ogden and salt lake city the only electrically equipped railroad in ill tho the west through tile fruit and farming belt of weber and davis counties no smoke no cinders no dust passenger station corner and lincoln ave heart of the Busi business nesa district in ogden faro fare for round trip good ten days sundays and Holli days the round trip all tickets good for stop over cither direction at the beautiful lagoon 12 trains each way leave ogden am am a m and every hour and half to 1030 pm SIMON BAMBERGER W J RIDD prest G F and P A know properly tailored clothing made of proper materials will stand the test of service an and d prove itself worthy the clothing we handle has the additional advantage of having been designed by the foremost experts of this age and anci country and brought to the pinnacle of perfection b by the best tailoring talent in the land come in and we will be pleased to show you whether you are ready to buy or not A W francis morgan utah L af F IT 11 nt T T I 1 ili 0 AA T S will please you and your new gown wi will ill look well on you if you wear a underskirt am IVI am C I 1 the cash store r |