Show clearfield OLE ARFIELD UTAH leroy le roy marsh and family loft left yesterday for their now new homo home in texas their lico address for their now new homo home is gilmor gilmer texas everybody was sorry to seo sea them go as mr marsh without a doubt did more for tho the promotion of horticulture la in davis county than any other man who ever lived hero here elder A T smith loaves leaves on his mission to england next wednesday and elder jesso jesse barlow goes to the central states nov ath george borgo E holt has boon boea drawn to servo serve on the grand rand jury nov A farewell party was given in in the meeting house tu tuesday s d a night in honor of lo le roy marsh and family tile the school teachers went to the station to bid them goodbye good bye 1 I 11 barlow of this place and a miss patterson of clinton are to bo be married next week william poulter and children who are in tile the kaysville Kays ville hospital sick with typhoid fever it is will be ablo homo b by y the latter 1 part a rv of this week moro teams aro are wanted to to work on thol tho davis and weber counties canal tho the canning factory closed down last wook week full fail gribin that was planted early is up an und looking line tho the first firs of tile tho wook in many places north of here tile tho vines still 1001 looking bryen and nico nice tho the illino and electric company is now extend ing its power line over into riv kiv a edalo |