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Show MAYFIELDS FUNERAL children His sick with son, Ernest, who was taken ill tho latter part of k-- t wek, but this week Ins sis Wm. Oakden of Centerville TAcc!-CrowHouse ter, Minnie, came down with it. Farmington Meeting ded, Monday, with Friends who The task of changing the dentaliy Shoots Himself While Preparing to Go Hunting. Turn Out to Pay Last Respects. Meeting house into an opera R A For r. ! Real Estate. For Sale house has been commenced. Some work was done in the baseA very sad accident happened The Farmington Meeting ment last week, but on Wedneson the was work started af day in Centerville about 2 oclock tiouse was crowded Monday ternoon with sympathizing main room upstairs. Commenc- Tuesday afternoon which resultTriends. who turned out to show ing with next Sabbath and there- ed in tho death of William Oak, after until the work is complettheir last respects to Roy den before five oclock tba who was electrocuted while ed, Sunday meetings will beheld in the City Hall. night. working on a power line in Lay Mr. Oakden had just returned Elders ton. The speakers were, Gordon Gailey has returned Edward Manning, James Criddle, from Idaho Falls where ho had from Salt Lake, whero he went Mr. Larkin of Ogden, . E. B. spent the summer. to pur chase a suit of clothes and Clark and Bishop Robinson. a gun. preparatory to going up The young man had been workto his sisters Mrs. S. 0. Rollins ing for the Home Telephone Co. at Mt. Green, Morgan county, for over two years and a half, or for a visit and a deer hunt. ever since the Davis County InNo one knows just how the acdependent Telephone Company cident occurred, but the report had started to build telephone lat Of in this lines county. ,.f tho gun was heard at the hour however, the company has also above, indicated, but nothing was been constructing power lines of it at tho time, lie At the time of the accident, he, ing care of the little daughter of thought was standing at the southeast Archie Phillips, Ernest ScotHd Mr. ui:d Mrs. Edwin Bone, corner of his mothers house, at and his brother, Clarence Mii- - Bertha Wiudrass, who street was discharged, were installing the at rived litre from Sheffield, Eng- the time the gun at Layton. onto crawled the lawn in system but lighting land, the tirM of the week, is on a lie was up pole, sitting making her home for the pres- front of the house, where- Mrs. on a cable, having just removed ent, with Mrs. James Smith. Malinda Pratt and another lady the insullation front a wire to from Salt Lake discovered him SOUTH HOOPER connect the street light wires to, but a short time afterward. when he received the fatal shoo,, J. W. Sing.o'on, who has been They did not realize that any that cost him his life. His hand very side warn appon-licitif r serious was the matter remained firmly clinched around about two week- -, was taken to thing with him, so passed ou. About the wire, even after the current Ogden, VvVtinesday. IB is too 1 o'clock, William Coombs, Foss had been turned off, which was weak bo a to able stand 10 )v and Togo Karino, a Richards ju.il not more than two minutes after an as soon as be out operation, Jap, were passing by on bicycle--anthe sad affair had happened. The sufficient he will heard his groans. strength gains body was lowered to the ground undergo an on rtion. Howell was immediately Dr. by means of ropes and taken to He found that he was called. the Layton hospital, where Dr. SOUTH WEBER ITEMS. very seriously wounded. The Whitlock worked with im hard had entered above the bullet Ray, in trying to get lor an hour trying to bring him oneHyrum of the horses out of a burn heart, ranging downward and to. on October 9th, got passing through the lower part His mother seamed to have a ing stable so burned badly that he has been of the left shoulder blade. feeling that morning when he in bed ever He was placed on a car on the since, but is now getleft that something might hapbetter. The horse died, Bamberger line, with the intenpen and warned him to be care-fil- ting tion of taking him to the Kays-villWell mother, if I do not however. but he died just afcome back, I want you to have A son was born t6 Mr. and ter hospital, the train had passed the Lathat $2,000 life insurance I am Mrs. Hyrum Ray ou the 9th of October. Mother and child do- goon. carrying. He was conscious to the end He thought a great deal of his ing well. conversed with those presand mother and occasionally talked Cannery closed canning toma- ent. He told Joseph E. Williams to the men with whom he was toes, October 15th. how it happened. Lillie Fernelius went up to Pe- just working about her. are at John Barremains The Deceased was nearly twenty-tw- terson last Sunday to spend the in winter with her sister, Mrs. V. tons undertaking parlors years old and unmarried. Kaysville. R. Boh man. Mr. Oakden is a by KAYSVILLE KINKS. Heber Fernelius and family of trade and had been carpenter for working G. W. Terrill returned last Castle Rock are down visiting C. H. Smith and also boarding week from a trip to Ashton, with relatives and friends. with Mr. Smith and family since Relief society will give a party his mother had Idaho. gone to Washand dance this afterWednesday Mr. and Mrs. William Clark ington to visit with her son, returned to their home in Rex noon in the hall. A good time is Walter and family. anticipated. Deceased is fifty-fivyears burg, last week. school and Y. M. and old and leaves a divorced wife Sunday Miss Fern Zefult of Sevier Y. L. associations have been recounty is spending the winter organized lately and are in good and three daughters Lorena, Lucile and Alta the eldest behere with her aunt, Mrs. J. B. running order. ing about seventeen jears old. Lindsay. The work of cleaning and ceHis father was drowned a LeRoy Shelby of Randolph, menting the Davis & Weber many years ago while fishgreat Rich Co., was in town recently Counties' Canal is on at a ing in the Jordan River. going with a view of starting a newsA telegram was immediately very fast rate, as they have paper here. It is stated that he nearly all the teams and single sent to his mother, but she had .had sold his paper in Randolph. hands do to need work. the left Washington to come home they Mrs. Claude Q. Barnes is here commissioners before receiving it. She is The county spending a few weeks with her ought to see to it that the rock to arrive here tomorrow. mother, Mrs. Ellen Knowlton, wall near the Uintah Funeral services will be held is bridge while her husband is in Idaho on repaired before cold weather in the Centerville Meeting house, business. and high water come; for if it Sunday at 1 p. m. There was a big Democratic is left as it is, the grade and rally Wednesday night. Lyman abutment will be in danger in UNION PACIFIC TIME CARD R. Martinau, Franklin C. ChrisIn effect April 17, 1910: high water. tensen and Leo J. Muir were the A Mr. Staples has been here Arrive at Morgan the East H. Dr. W. Hon. 10 No. 9:28 a. m. King, speakers. visiting with his relatives, the 4 No. 8:00 p. m. Morton and D. F. Smith spoke Rays, for a number of days. at the Democratic rally the week Bishop Keyes and son, Henry, Arrive at Morgan for the West No. 5 4:44 a. m. Both meetings were of Uintah came home from a before. trip 3 No. 4:54 a. m. well attended. to Oregon last Sunday evening. No. 9 10:18 a. m. Hon. George Southerland is W. S. Clark, former section billed to speak at the Republican foreman at Uintah, went to Oma- Arthur E. Pratt George Halverson rally to be held here next Mon- ha last week to arrange about his Halverson & Pratt day evening. pension from the railroad comLawyers Try Nyals celery nervine; an pany. Public In Office Notary excellent tonic for women. One Ind. phone 457; Bell 7 The agent and one of the oper3 Eccles Building, Ogden, Utah dollar' a bottle at the Layton ators at Uintah station took a lay Co. last off to go hunting Drug Monday. Paul R. Thomasson who underA Jap took Mr. Clarks place J. D. Skeen W. R. Skeen 0. A. Skeen went an operation in Salt Lake as section foreman and the feelfor appendicitis, some seven ing with the white employes is General Practice. weeks ago, was able to return very bitter, because there are BOTH PHONES Ar-; old section foremen who asked .home Monday. His friend, OGDEN, UTAH, cp nold Barnes, who regularly vis- for the place and did not get it ited him while he was at the hos-- : The power plant of the Utah Choice Selection Large Stock pital, accompanied him home. Light & Railway Company in the Jos. Parry & Sons Co. Mrs. Clyde Keyes returned to canyon is now running steadily Fine Granite and Marble ber home in Echo, after having both night and day. There are visited friends here. three families living near the Monuments & Headstones 2253 Washington Ave., OGDEN, UTAH. Ernest Kammeyer has two power house. May-ffield- May-fiel- - 1 l. e 25 acres of land; acres bearing peaches and a mixed family orchard; 5 shares of water; good house and out buildings. Apply to George H. t Smith, Clearfield, Utah. FOR SALE 10 For Sale of good land in acres Twenty Syracuse; well located; 3 kinds of soil; especially adapted for seeded and pitted fruit and all John A. kinds of vegetables. 414. Phone Ind. Call, Bountiful, For Sale. acres of exceptionally good fruit and early garden land; 2 acres into young orcharl; plenty of frontage which could be sold for building lots without inter ierriug with balance of farm ; ample water to supply buildings: good location; more free from frost late in spring and early in fall than lower in the valley. Wm. R. Gierisch, Bountiful. t 10 -- ex-pete- fr 402-40- -- LAWYERS -- V d ses. FOR RENT Six roomed residence on county road in uounti fid. John Siahle, Sr,, at Henry W. Stables, b untiful. t service; good frontage on two FOR RENT One and i city streets; room for two more lots than (old clipper office lot) with 6 will less sell for houses; value of grounds; will trade for shdres of Stone creek water; some choice peaches; land suitvery small house and very little able for early potatoes, tomatoes, ground in Bountiful centrally lo- sweet corn, etc. John Stable, Jr , t cated, and $300. With new cot Bountiful. investwould ideal be an tages ment as renting proposition. ApWanted Miscellaneous. t ply at this office. WANTED. 100 couples to FOR SALE About 50 ac. of dance at the Everglade every land near county road at Five Friday eveuing. points; splendid land for grain, Wanted. tomatoes, beets, lucem, apples, From 100 to 200 head of horses etc. ; within 1 mile of canneries and stations in Layton and Kays- and cattk to pasture. S. Bavelas ville; some water in best creek Jennings farm, now owned by in county, also under D. & W. Mr. Bamberger, Cenlreville. Utah. Bell phone 9714. t canal. Dan Bodily, Kaysville R. 11-W anted F. D. D C. I phone. Cosmopolitan Magazine requires Hie services of a representative in For Sale Miscellaneous. Bountiful to look after subscription mievv.ds and to extend cirFor Sale. One pure bred English Shire culation by special methods which Stallion, and several head of have proved unusually successful work and driving horses. Enquire Salary an commission. Previous desirable hut not esor phone Riley Bros. Livery Sta- experience sential. Whole time "or spare time t Ardrcss, with reference, II. C. ble, Bountiful. I For Sale. For Sale. of land in Syraacres Twenty One 3 wagon; good eondi cuse, one mile from meeting or with without springs. tion, house and stores; three kinds of Mark Waddoups, Bountiful. Bell soil soil for peaches, apples and 473. t garden; in flowing well belt; 8 phone acres in lueern; 1 acre apples; For Sale Cheapfenced. Willard Barlow, No. 3 Surrey with pole. S. J. Hart, rear 257 West Fourth South, Salt Jr., Bountiful. Bell phone 2511. Lake City, or phone Bishop BarFor Sale kov at Capital Mercantile Co., Bountiful. Oie steel tired Studtbiker runabout good as new; or win For Sale. trade for a horse. Wm. Doxoy, About 13 acres af land, located Bountiful. t oy namberger Station at Clearfield. Good house, ice house, celFor Sale. lar, granary, 2 sheds and other 1-- Campbell, Cosmopolitan Magazine 179 Broadway, New York City. 4 To trade a good naiad for hay. organ Fergus 23 vd west 1st Coalter Mii'i.-lSouth Suit Lake Citv. WANTED , - outbuildings, about 700 fruit trees, plenty shade trees. Inquire m. O. Roberts, D. c. I. phone No. 2711. For Sale. Good ranch in Malad Valley containing 160 acres of land with all improvements and some stock. Write or phone (Bell No. 21) W. C. Hill, Malad City, Idaho, for t particulars. o e Rent-Hou- For Sale. Not quite an acre of land, with 13 rods front and seveu roomed house; choice young fruit trees in bearing; flowing wells; water in house: 6 minute walk from Oregon Short Lino station Frank t Wright, Bountiful. For Sale I have a tine horse and cattle ranch twenty miles from Card-ston- , within two miles of all proposed Rail Road lines over the United States Boundary; About fifty per cent good farm land and every inch good pasture land. A mile of river front and only $12.00 an acre; easy terms About 2000 acres. W. O. Lee, Cardston, Canada. AM Se't-Hrt- , Wanted kinds omUiy. W. W. K'1''Vilh' Bo obones. WANT LB ; i as bookkeeper and .pit ipber; would work in mrdiful or nearb prefer town IVould like steady poby sition, i if would be willing to work part of the time in the beSmall building with large front ginning if not enough work. F. window, store front and glass Leon b own, Woods cross, D. c. door, formerly fronted on Main I. phone xxt. street in Bountiful and was ocWANTED. Stoca iu any bank cupied by a watchmaker. Will take $25 for it. John Stahle, in Davis county or the Woods Jr., Bountiful. Both phones, t Cross or Star canning factories. Hatch Realty Company, Woods For Sale Cross. Utah. One walnut roll-tocould desk, Wanted not be duplicated for $50, will Teams to work on the Davis take $25 for it. John Stahle Jr. & Weber Counties Canal; teams at the Clipper office, Bountiful. 45c and single hands 25c per Work to commence beFOR SALE, The folding ma- hour 1st and 8th .of Septemtween the chine used to fold this paper; can fold 4 pages in place of 8, if ber and continue until cold weather sets in. Inquire of James desired; replacing it with one G. Wood. Hooper R F D No 2or that can be attached to the press, by Bell phone or of M. M. White-sideBell Phoae. Utah. thereby dong away with a perLayton, son to feed it; still very serviceHIGHEST PRICES PAID. able and worth $75, will take $25 old horses and cows. Alma if taken at once. Requires but For 11-Bountiful. Bangerter, to use it. Any very little power paper with 200 subscribers can Wanted afford it. We would not take To trade two or three city $1,000 for this old machine if we homes for country property. L. could not get another, which B. Call, Ground floor No. 10, 3rd gives you some idea of how much South, Salt Lake City. Both we appreciate the value of a fold phones. Davis County ing machine. Lost or Found Miscellaneous Clipper, Bountiful. A h; it'i-u p s, 4 FOR SALE. Fine piano, upFOUND. The best music in mahogany t f c. right Grand, Davis county at the Everglade case, magnificent tone; half every Friday evening. For Sale price if taken at once. Dr. e One four roomed house; Young, Centreville, Utah. LOST Between Centreville lot in the center of the town and Farmington, one Winchester For Sale of Byron, Wyoming; somegood shot gun. Will reward small fruit; plenty oP water ;at One 3t inch Mitchell wagon; repeating Of4 to Arley George, $1,000. Address Clipper good condition. Wm. D Knight- by returning t fice, Bouatifdl Bountiful. t 2512. Bell Bountiful. on, solid 7 two-acr- FOR SALE Two places in Kaysville; one an acre lot planted to choice fruit, located 1 block from meeting house; ither place located south of old city hall M. A. Wilkinson, 1211 So. 4th East, t Salt Lake City. FOR SALE. Forty acres of good farm land in Porterville; good frontage, good house; new 88 foot hay shed; four-roome- d water right; also 160 acres of grazing land; will sell separately or together; O. M. Porter, Porter$4000,00. ville, Morgan county, Utah. Bell phone. first-clas- s first-clas- s 11-1- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fine corner lot, excellent location, 2 rooms with pantry, clos- ets, etc., large attic, stable, buggy shed, coal house, etc.; fruit and shade trees; 10 minute car FOUND. Two jersey calves FOR SALE Young pigs. W about six months old. Owner Walter Barlow, Bpuntiful. t can get them by paying for this FOR SALE. 31 inch Bain ad and the feed bill. Chris Holwagon gear, with 3 inch tires. land, Kaysville, Utah. good dump box, suitable for LOST. One sheep; wool full gravel hauling or similar work. of Studebaker Bros. Bountiful. burs; had long rope on when it left. Kindly return to LindFOR SALK Fine jersey cow. say Holbrook, Bountiful, and be F. D. Turner, Woods Cross, t . rewarded. FOR SALE. For less than f CENTRE VILLI CHATS. its value, one sectional steam or hot water boiler; capacTwenty per cent off on ladies ity, square feet radiation, 900. mens and childrens coats at Boiler good as new Ephraim the Bountiful . t Cashier Joel Parrish of the Hatch, Woods Cross, Utah. Farmers State Bank at Woods FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Glass negatives, all sizes, suit- Cross, who has been ill since able for greenhouses, September 3rd, is expecting to chicken coops, etc. Louis Web- be able to resume his work er, photographer, 5th floor.Hoop-e- r about the first of the month. Building, 25 E. 1st South, Salt Joseph Walton is building an addition to his residence. Lake City. 10-2- 8 10-28- one-hal- Co-op- hot-bed- s, ' |