Show some hope hop A scotch parson for the simple forro force of 0 hla his pulpit style was wa enlarging one sunday upon tho text except ye repent y ye shall all lihew likewise be perish yes my friends urged lie he atti solemn earnestness unless yo ye lepont ye shall na as surely perish deftly alae placing hla his left forefinger on the wing ot oll a bluebottle lly fly that lind had just alighted upon the lending desk the white while the tha parsons right hand uplifted just as aa surely as 01 tny my friends I 1 flattened this poor joor lly fly dut before the threatened blow do scented blended the ly fly got away whereupon tile the minister further improved the occasion with ready wll wit exclaiming theres tt it chanco chance for or ye yet my iny friends london scraps |