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Show SUCCESSOR TO MIRROR-MONITO- R MORGAN, UTAH, FRIDAY, OCT, VOL. XVI, A Joint Resolution proposing A jolut resolution proposing an amendment to Section 4, of Article 14, of the Constinn Amendment to Section 7 of tution of the Mate of U lah.in relation to the Article XII1, of the Constitution limit of indebtedness of counties, cities, il the State of Utah, relating to towns and school districts. Belt resolved by the Legislature of the the rate of taxation. of all member, Be it enacted by the Legislature State of toUtah, of the two houses concurelected each of the State of Utah, ring therein: of all the members elected, to Section 1. That it is proposed to amend of Article 14, of he t onslitutlon of each of the two honses concurring Section 4, of the State Utah, so that tlil same shall therein. read as follows: Section 1. That it is proponed Section 4. When authorised to create into amend section 7 of Article debtedness, as provided iu section d of this no county shall become indebted XIII, of the Constitution of the Article, to an amount, including existing tndebti State of Utah sb that the same nesb, exceeding two per centum. No c.tv, will read as follows: town school district or of her municipal sliall become lmb Sited to an 7. The rate of taxation on pro- ' nevshall for state purposes pertv Ct'i'lilt' four' pt'rtTiiiumnf tmAh'ue of lit1 f two-thir- two-third- s 28, No. 1910, il colors in BISHOP TURNER CALLED With his free gold in each pan. pected, will be able to retnru home by the latter part of this personal tests he 1 A Good Position - 11 , as-er- ts Can be had by ambitious young , there are no reasons why week. men and ladies in the field of , this property will not be a great More teams are wanted to Wireless or Railway telegraSuccess, as all of the five natural work on the Davis and Weber law bephy. Since the conditions are present, that is, Counties canal. came effective and since the timber and yyiter, dump-grade- , The canning factory closed Wireless are estabcompanies not less than 230,000,000 cubic down last week. stations the lishing throughout yards of ground. Fall grain that was planted there is a great shortcountry, Surrounding this property are early is up and looking fine. age of telegraphers. Positions some of the largest placer mines The first of the week, in many pay beginners from $70 to' $90 iu the state, namely, the Atlanta, places north of here, the tomato month, with good chance of Pioneer Settler of Morgan County; Former Mayor and Councilman; First to Make Brick and Lime. i Bishop Charles Turner, a pio neer settler of Morgan county, prominent in the promoting of early industries, former mayor and councilman, passed away at tffie Rocky Bar, the War Eagle, vines were still looking green jxr advancement. The National Telhis home in Morgan City, Sun- the Black Jack, the Boor Mans and nice. egraph institute of Portland, Ormine and others, each of which Oct. 23, 1JlO. day, Homo The and Telephone l I1''' t'ULTl ClL'ht lllllls Oil cadi toIegon, operates six official instiproptily tl.tiein, tin uur to !t a ile was a native of England, has produced its millions, and Electric company is now extend tutes iu r r..r mu lar of aluaiion to he apportion-- j by iw ia,i nsss. America, under supertl as foll( ws: Not to exceed four ami Comity mu Itu, s.i,r. having been born at Lemington, in all totaling not less than two i,,g Riv vision of ll. IL and Wireless Ofover line into power imh ht hundred millions f mills on each dollar i n g ofr;ttv.irli and ficials and places ail graduates , Spa, Warwickshire, in 1827. erdale. Oil pit it s ioi a Mr. Youckam's verbal report! 23 of valuation fur general stale purc into positions. It will pay you to he became At the age of n. nt fi.r n, jimuu t .Mi,. write them for full details. poses; Xol to exceed three mills t is Jesus of Church when which, t!U very interesting, pitraHjr If is, FARMINGTON FRACTIONS on each dollar of valuation for tin s a! nv.T In t h d st npi to added to v th.iii Latter of Christ ouiibiI Saints, Day f.r city, hggv. phctogiaphs brought othr district school purposes; Not to town nr school A double truck is being condMr:t putiosr- -; pm nlod REWARD mill on each dol- further, that any oit of tbi n .ind swoml which lie remained true and back with him, would make colexceed line on the structed Bamberger One hundred dollars will be In Mvtion faithful to the day of his demise. umns of interest! u lar of valuation for High School class when authorized as and between the Kaystliruc of this HTtith, may he u!1om1 lo in- In Lagoon of the state ter. That ordained was part paid for additional information purposes; tfyo year a huger inuobtodms, not to e( vd four ville. A good deal of work has that will tax apportioned to high school cur till mission. to a help convict the person per centum, and any city of the third class, an elder and eut A steam who set fire to the Morgan-Crespurposes shall constitute a fund or town, not to exceed eight per centum ad- He labore 1 in England and Scot-anMORGAN CITY NEWS. already been done. town 1o he called the high school ditional, for supplying such rity or when The residence and farm build- shovel is being used to make the ccut ore house, Sunday, June for over three years. In seweis, fund and shall be apportioned will) water, artificial liglitor such water, thowoiksfor liglit 26th. All information will be of 1W51 he emigrated to ings, belonging to Mr. J. W. cut wider. to the cities and school districts and sewer, shallsupplying he owned and controlled by April Miss Hazel Knowlton left Wedin on the schools the a Stewart narrow had high the strictly confidential. maintaining America, taking passage municipality. escape for the northwestern Geo. T, Stenhouse. lion 2 The Steretary of tate is dimanner the legislature may pronesday Ar- from Underwriter. tire being destroyed by to sailing ship, states vide . And whenever the taxabh rected to cause- this proposed amendment Miss mission. Knowlton Manager M. C. Mg. Co. he published required y the ConM it u 'on riving in New York he went to Wednesday morning, caused by shall the state within has wo the t of property and to be submitu d the eudor' of the distinction, believe, once a defective lluoon the summer to four hundred million Mate at the next gem ral election In the the city of Florence and at to the first go on a FIRST NATIONAL BANK being lady t dollars, t lie rate shall not exceed; manner prox ided by law. prepared for the journey to Utah. kitchen, and but for he prompt mission from the Davis stake. of ti.e Seoton.L epetors by value.-Ifapproxid He made the journey across the work of Mr. aud Mrs, Eddington five mills on each dollar of MORGAN, UTAH. t he M.il proiKsed auiwxline"t shall Ezra Co. Robinson's t ion ; unless a proposition to in-- i takCM IKa t this theatrical with ox who Mrs. Mr. American and and on the hrst day of January, Stewart, plains, great Established September, 1903 crease sm-rate, specifying thei UTAH. in the valley of quickly formed themselves into was greeted by one of the largest teams, arriving dur-J rate proposed and the time onic of Secretary of State. the Great Salt Lake, Sept. 15th, fire brigade the buildings crowds that ever turned out to Capital Stock, $25,000.00 ing wlii'-- the same shall he levi- a show see in imrle S. Ting y, tecu t:try of tate of deof Farmington. a Does a general banking busiwould have been entirely brief stay After on, be first submitted to a vote of the oi Utah. do Ik reby certify th.it the Elder F. I). Steed left Wednes- ness. We pay 4 per cent on savsuch of the qualitim doctors Oljfmcc leg is a full, true and correct copy seven weeks in Salt Lake City he stroyed, day on a mission to the central ings accounts, interest comthe State as. in the year next pre-- j uf a rc.uluti(ii pruiioin;j an :iruilmett tl) moved to Morgan City, Utah, enEd Preece and Joe Cotter ell section 4, of Article UgoMhe Constitution of shall such pounded quarterly. hae Deposits election, ending of were fortunate Saturday in bag states. the Slate of Utah, in relation tothe Limit of gaging in the manufacture in any sum from $1 up. received paid a property tax assessed to Indebtedness of Counties. Cities. Towns, and brick and the Mr. Mrs. and Henry Soule left Why not open an account with us, burning of lime. ging a large black bear, after an them within the State. and the ma- School Districts, by the Right h Regufor St Idaho, Sunday and establish the habit of saving conHe Anthony, aud also owned farmed t of this Mate. of he legist at ure exciting chase througn Cottonjority of those voting thereon larINsession WHEKFOK I have hereTESTIMONY will make their a little from the present income, night. in They siderable land. shall vote in favor thereof, wood Canyon. band and set the Great Seal of unto set it will be needed after while. home there. such manner as may he provided the Stale my Mr. Turner was married Dec. of Utah at Salt Lake City this 2Jth James Yoakam, until recently Gus Nordstrom and Estella James Pinch.ee, President. by law. day of August, A. I) 1010. 8th, 1861, to Miss Elizabeth Wil- of C. S. Tingey. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Morgan but now of Ogden, is Hem pell of Salt Lake were markins. Airs. Turner died Feb. in the Joseph Williams, Vice-Pres- . aeal Secretary of State. is directed to submit this proposcity on business, on ried here Tuesday. J. L, Hatch, Cashier. 26, 1865, leaving one child, which ed amendment to the electors of Robert Graham, the station to an A Amendment elecResolution died. also He on Oct. married next proposing the state at the general has returned, to his post of Section 2 of Article X of the Constitution tion in the manner provided by of 4, 1865, Miss Anna Bosh, who agent, the State of Utah, as amended Jan. 1,1907 datju-aftermonths leave of lafr. relating to the Public School System, .and is still living, she being the mothv Salt'Lake & Ogdco, "Lagoon Jtoute. Between Ogdea elecwho re Mr. 3. X the Sec 3 Thornhill, of the Constitution Article If Section . of adopted by 13 of er all whom of are children, to State the of the State of Utah, relating Uinand Lake to tors of the State, this amendment Salt went Mr. lieved City, Graham, 1 living. In 1872 he married shall take effect January 1st 1911. School Fund. few a for to work tah, Sunday, the enacted and Be It resolved Legisla- Miss Hannah Jones, who bore The Only Electrically equipped railroad in the west; State of Utah, Office of Secre- ture of the State of Utah, by of all days. ss. of State, lira six children. He was of tary the two the members elected to each very through the beautiil fruit and farming belt of Weber and Mrs. Jones of Park City is here I, Charles S. Tingey, Secretary houses concurring therein: in active life and served political Davis Counties; Nc smoke; No Cinders No Dust. of State of the State of Utah, do Section 1. That It is proposed to amend as isiting her daughter, Mrs. F. councilman for 2 of Article X of the Constitution of Section city eight hereby certify that the foregoing the State of Utah to read as follows: Passenger Station Comer 25th and Lincoln Ave. Heart is a full, true and correct copy of Section 2. The public school system shall terms, also Mayor of Morgan Saherty. Mr. Fred Fertick of Chicago, of the Business District in Ogden, Fare for round trip, $1.80; a resolution proposing an amend- include kindergarten schools; common City for one term, and was in been who has looking of and Morgan 7 grammar of Article XIII. schools, consisting primary ment to Section good ten days. Sundays and Hollidays $1.00, the round trip; interested in the building an agricult iral college; always left his interests, after mining of the Constitution of the State, grades; high schools, of all which he the of tickets good for Stop Over either direction at the Beautiful and such other schools as the up community of Utah, relating to the rate of auniversity; last his for home, Tuesday. The common was an legislature may establish. was active member. He 12 Trains each way. Leave Ogden 6:10 a.m., 7:30 Lagoon. taxation, passed at the Eighth schools shall be free. The other departments Bert Williams shot a fine of the system shall be supported as provided ordained to be a bishop and prethe of Session Legislaa.m. and every hour and half to 10:30 p.m. Regular near Davis by law. sided for a number of years over young deer last week, ture of this state. Section 3. The proceeds of all lands that Lost SIMON BAMBERGER, In Testimony Whereof I have have been or may be granted by the United the South Morgan ward, He was Eddingtons ranch, up W. J. RIDD, hereunto set my hand and affixed states to this State, for the support of the set apart for this office by Apos- Creek. G. F and P. A Prest. the Great Seal of the State of common schools; the proceeds of all proper- tle Lorenzo Snow in 1877. He Mr. E. A. Richards is very low accrue to State the that escheat may by ty 29th this Utah at Salt Lake city or forfeiture; all unclaimed shares and div- was a man of truth and honor at this writing. idends of any corporation Incorporated unday of August, A. D. 1910. Patronize your home mill first, C. S. TINGEY der the laws of this State; the proceeds of and was always noted for his lib(Seal) the sale of timber, mineral or olhor property of of State. course, but if you want an outand generosity. Secretary from school and State lands, other than erality Funeral services were held side product try Kaysville Flour. those granted for specified purposes; and A joint resolution proposing an amendment five per centum of the net- proceeds of the in the South Morgan ward Its the best ever. Never lost a to Section 1 ot Article XIV of the Consti- sale of public lands lying within the State, tution of the State of Utah in relation which shall be sold by the United States, Meeting house on Wednesday prize in a competition. to the limit of the state indebtedness. subsequent to the admission of this State afternoon at one oclock, Be It resolved by the legislature of the State Into the Union, shall be and remain a pergold-bearin- i- -I j , "t . ' . ' ,un nnr-hal- tli?i-p-"ii'p- n ! i 1. i one-ha- lf t I d ! - . t a- 1 , I , lt-6- ft-- pas-e- d , ab-mc- two-thir- Properly Tailored Clothing of all the members elected to each of the two houses concurring therein: Sec. 1. It Is proposed to amend Section 1, of Article XIV of the Constitution of the the same will read as State of Utah follows: Sec. 1. To meet casual deficits or failures in revenue, and for necessary expenditures for public purposes. Including the erection of public buildings, and for the payment of all territorial Indebtedness assumed bv the State, the State may contract debts, not exceeding In the aggregate at any one time, an amount equal to one and per centum of the value of the taxable property of the State, as shown by the last assessment for state purposes, previous to the Incurring of such Indebtedness. But the State may nev er contract any Indebtedness, except as in the next section provided, in excess of such amount, and all monies arising from loans herein authorized, shall be applied solely to the purposes for which they were obtained. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is directed to cause this proposed amendment to be published as required by the Constitution and to be submtted to the electors of the State at the next general election In the manner provided bylaw. Sec. S. If approved by the electors of the State, this proposed amendment shall take effect upon the first day of January, A. I)., of Utah: Two-thir- so-th- one-ha- lf 1U11. STATE OF UTAH. 1 SS. of State, j Charles S. Tingey, Secretary of State of do hereby certify that the the State of Utah, correct copy of foregoing Is a full, true and a resolution proposing an amendment to Section 1, of Article XIV, of the Constitution of the State of Utah In relation to the Limit of the State Indebtedness, passed by the Eighth Regular Session of the Legislature of this State. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah at Salt Lake City this 29th day of August. A. D., 1910. O. S. Tingey. Secretary of State. Office of Secretary 1 i Seal petual fund, to be called the State School Fund, the interest of which only, together with such other means as the legislature may provide, shall be distributed among the several school districts, according to the school population residing therein. Provld ed. That all funds derived from any State tax for high schools shall be apportioned among the several cities and school districts according to the attendance at the high schools therein; but no city or district shall be entitled to any part of the fund derived from the State tax for high schools unless the high school therein Is maintained upon the standard and for the period during the year that may be fixed by the State Board of Education. Section 4. The Secretary of State Is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the State at the next general election In the manner provided by law. Section '5. If adopted by the electors of the State, this amendment shall take effect Jan Promising Mining Property. James Youckam of Morgan, Utah, with headquarters at Ogden, has recently returned from Boise river, Idaho, where, as general agent of the Boise King placer property, he has been making a personal examination of the placer grounds, now attracting considerable attention here among his home friends Of this property he states that his company owns 610 acres in a single body, located on the mid die fork of the Boise river, to 1. 1911. OF UTAH STATE which excellent wagon and auto 8S. Office of Secretary of State, roads have been built. He also I, Charles 8 reports the location the best he of State of the Tingey, Secretary has ever seen; that he found all do of State Utah, hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of buildings and equipments in first a resolution proposing an amendment to Section 2, of Article X af the Constitution of class condition; that the Boise the State of Utah, as amended Jan, 1st, 1907, King claim in itself, of 160 acres, relating to the Public School system, and Section 3 of Article X of the Constitution of is comparatively a low bar, lying the State of Utah, as amended Jan. 1. 1907, re- level, with an average of over lating to the Public School System, and Section 3 of Article X of the Constitution of 30 feet of wash and pay gravel, the State of Utah, relating to the State and that he has no reason to dif School Fund, passed by the Eighth Regular fer from A. W. Stevens and othSession of the Legislature of this State. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have here er engineers in regard to amount unto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah at Salt Lake City this per cubic yard this gravel car29th day of August, A. I. 1010, ries in gold. In all his panning C. S. Tingey. did not fail to develop sever he Seal. of State. Secretary I ) CLEARFIELD, UTAH. Le Roy Marsh and family left yesterday for their new home in Texas. Their postoffice address for their new home is Gilmer, Texas. Everybody was sorry to see them go, as Mr. Marsh without a doubt did more for the pro motion of horticulture iu Davis county than any other man who ever lived here. Elder A. T. Smith leaves on his mission to England, next Wed- Made of proper materials wiil stand the test of service and prove itself worthy. The clothing we handle has the additional advan- tage of having been designed by the foremost experts of this age and country, and brought to the pinnacle of perfection by the best tailoring talent in the land. Come in and we will be pleased to show you whether you are ready to buy or not. nesday, and Elder Jesse Barlow goes to the Central states, Nov 9th. George E. Holt has been drawn to serve on the grand jury, Nov. A. W. Francis, Morgan, Utah. party was given in the Meeting house Tuesday night in honor of Le Roy Marsh and family. The school teachers KLOSFIT PETTICOATS 14th. ' A farewell went to the station to bid them good-bye- . this place anc a Miss Patterson of Clinton are to be married next week. I. H. Barlow of William Poulter and children who are in the Kaysville hospital sick with typhoid fever, it is ex will please you and your new gown will look well on you if you wear a Klosfit underskirt. The Cash Store. t - |