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Show w RED CROSS WORK The Milford Red Cross shipped the following articles: 40 triangular bandages 35 abdominal bandages 78 handkerchiefs "emergency" 100 pairs pajamas 84 bed shirts 38 comfort pillows 77 wash cloths 54 pairs sox 29 sweaters 16 pairs wristlets 2 scarfs 10 jaw bandages 21 ambulance pillows Mrs. Cottrell's unit donated the following: 3 comfort pillows 9 tea towels 6 tray cloths The high school auxiliary completed com-pleted 20 triangular bandages, 9 handkerchiefs, 10 bed shirts. Mrs. Pitchforth's unit has finished the following articles since the last publication: 10 bed shirts, 21 pairs -, 9 wash cloths, 1 pair wristlets, 21 pairs pajamas. The ladies met at Mrs. Pitchforth's on Washington's Washing-ton's birthday and turned in their work and each donated a tea towel. The following ladies belong to the unit: Mesdames J. Smithson, P. H. Pitchforth, C. Barton, D. James, Larson, Bardsley, Hedges, Fotheringham, Fother-ingham, Coon, Gourley, Barton, Schow, Hickman, H. Bowen, Mc-Cune, Mc-Cune, Lee, Johnson, Morris, Evans, T. Martin, W. Martin, Misses Slack, Huish, Mildred Fotheringham and Murrel Pitchforth. Mrs. McCune'B unit finished and turned in the following: 10 pairs pajamas, 10 bed shirts, 24 pillowslips pillow-slips for ambulance pillows, 8 comfort com-fort pillows were donated. The following fol-lowing ladies did the sewing: Mesdames Mes-dames Wells, Bates, M. Bohn, T. Fotheringham, Wagner, Ernst, Caz-neau Caz-neau and Burnham. |