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Show O : BUNCH WmSm A NOW mfSSSt I i Our "Reduced prices are fast reducing I our Summetfstock. Big bundles are going out of our store every day because our goods which are 5 always styish and the BEST can now be bought for much LESS. 2 . 2 Come in and buy what you NEED and what 1 yourlheart desires. It will PAY YOU BIG to come right now. i A. F. McCulley 1 2 Jefferson Mercantile Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE MINING SUPPLIES SHEEP MEN SUPPLIES FARMERS SUPPLIES HARDWARE GROCERIES MEATS Jefferson Mercantile Co. Phone 20 SI 00 REWARD SI (10 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has ; been able to cure in all its stages and I that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly j influenced by constitutional condi- tions requires constitutional treat-; ment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is j taken internally and acts through-j through-j the blood on the mucous surfaces of I the system, thereby destroying the ; J foundation of the disease, giving the 1 : patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its wrMk. Tho proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY CO.,' Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Sy Money saved and deposited T1 a banK t3 wealth that j (f jj worKs. Wealth that worKs f ' is capital UnliKe brain and j k muscle, it does not wear out j lvy or deteriorate. It grows and Mf The only gain from labor Is ' what is saved. Labor, there- i . fore, makes wealth and ., i W II when wealth worKs it is V Xt. capital. Iwg JJ Capital at worK pays wages, Jj which, when saved, creates more capital. Labor is the producer when labor saves. Savings bring independence. A savings banK is a public servant One Dollar Starts an Account! MILFORD ST A TE BANK Milford Leather Goods Company HARNESS and SADDLERY Auto Top Repairin t Shoe Repair in TRY THIS ON YOUR ECZEMA If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry ZenzaL For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zenzal, 75 cents the jar. QUIRK DRUG COMPANY Professional Cards ! MATHESON. j THE TAILOR j Maker of up-to-date Clothes j MI1JORD : UTAH There's only one right way to tune a piano A. W. WINDBERG An expert in this line does it the right way Agent for the celebrated BALDWIN PIANOS Milford Utah J. A- INGOLS Mining and Civil Engineer, U. S. Deputy Mining Engineer, City Engineer MiJford, Utah Phono No. C7 j C. T. WOODBURY Attorney-at-I-iaw BANK BUILDING Phone 71 Milford Utah ' DR. O. E. ADKINS Dentist Bank Building, Phone 38 Milford Utah I Phone 13 Notary Public SAM CLINE A t to rn ey-a t-Law Formerly of California MILFORD UTAH i SHIRLEY S. ATKIN Attorney-atLaw Ofliee Milford State Bank Building Milford, Utah Phone ll WILLIAM HURST Abstracts for Mineral Patents Licensed Abstractor Beaver, Utuli Examinations and Reports on Properties O. A. MURDOCK ATTORNKV-AT-LAW BEAVER UTAH CLINE & BOYER Good Bargains in Good Lund CASH OR TERMS Some Specials in School Lands Milford, Utah THE LUND HOTEL Cleanliness. Comfort, Courtesy & Good Service REASONABLE RATES Headquarters for travel through- qut Southern Utah Mrs. E. L. Cnrt'-r, Prop., Lund, Ut. E. B. JORGENSEN Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Open Day and Night Milford, Utah Phone 4 |