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Show 3 The Complete Oil Stove TT'S the New Perfection No. 87, which combines a 4-burn- v-S 1 I er stove, a built-in heat-retaining oven, a cabinet and a t jj warming shelf into one compact, yet roomy, complete cooking f , . H device. ' -'-. ;i It has the Long Blue Chimney too That means perfect 3 3 combustion and perfect flame control. No soot, no odors, g 3 no surging heat waves to cook the cook. 3 3 The New Perfection is ensy to light and cooks fast or slow as you f jj like. In use in more than 2,500,000 Eomei. Ask any hardware or g housefurnishing store. M ij For best results us Conoco Safety Oil. j THE CONTINENTAL OIL CO. liVv ' (A Colorado Corporation) jj&r SSk Denver Pueblo Salt Lake City Cheyenne jW Butte Albuquerque Bois fit " i o 1 Frisco-Newhouse Stage Line . . Sherwood & Luke, Props. 2 Milf ord, Utah I Side Trips to All Points :: :: Day or Night I PHONE 85 j S t - a What ShaU I Have For Dinner? That's the housewife's dally problem. prob-lem. Besides all the Staple Groceries, we carry a very complete line of fresh, smoked and canned meats. Also fresh fruits and vegetables . in season. Then we have the best brands of canned fruits and vegetables. vegeta-bles. A visit to our store will easily solve the problem. BillandBill PHONE 88 GARAGE FOR SALE at Garrison, Utah Good business. Big field for car agency. We want to sell and join the colors. Call or write for particulars. Lexington Garage & Supply Co. GARRISON, UTAH .. ONE MORE WEEK We will be at your service. ..The fruit will be gone and we will close our doors. Our Stock is large now, but cannot last. DON'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW THE DIXIE PRODUCE CO. I, - : - t j Branch Agricultural College of Utah ; ; ' Southern Utah's BigState School HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE COURSES IN . AGRICULTURE HOME ECONOMICS 1 MECHANIC ARTS t BUSINESS j ARTS AND SCIENCE Complete Normal Training School for College Students j TUITION FREE REGISTRATION , S5.00 i BOARD AND ROOxM J $3.00 to $5.00 PER WEEK ! FALL TERM OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Write to the Principal for catalogue and detailed information. They're On File at the Yard Plans for every sort of equipment you ever .heard of. We've got the material too, ' and ' Our manager is right ready to give you, all the attention and help that you want. ' Everything you heed for building THE PLANS THE MATERIALS, SER VICE all at one place and at the price you usually pay for materials alone. BONNEVILLE LUMBER CO. & e o . E . Merrill C o R and jssocta.te 3 Milford, Lund, Modena EaiiMMiiiiirtiTmr-ii in " ifT - i IWi l.n ? ll in mJ WANTED Teams for Ore Hauling The Florence Mining and Milling Co. will give employment to a large number of teams hauling ore from the Company's mine to the mill. Length of haul 13 miles, good road. $3.75 per ton will be the rate paid for hauling, and payment will be made every two weeks, every week or dally as desired. Call or Address FLORENCE M. & M. COMPANY Marysvale Utah. f $40.50 ;ss S j I TICKETS ON SALE DAILY i JUNE 15 to SEPTEMBER 30 1 Diverse routes via rail and steamer, including San Francisco. Proportionately low fares for tickets in- eluding San Diego, Portland, Seattle. j Stopovers at all points. No validation fee. I I Final Limit, October 31, 1917 For reservations and routings, see jY 5 i M. W. LICHTY, Agt., Milford 5 I I or address ii' ' Wm. Warner, A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City, Utah I i i TRADE AT HOME AND I; 1 AKE THE HOME PAPER |