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Show : McAllister is married Ward McAllister, who was a teacher in the local high school last year, is married. His bride, formerly former-ly Miss Erma Allen of Salt Lake City, has also been engaged to teach in the local schools. Mrs. McAllister will have the domestic science department. de-partment. The Salt Lake Telegram of last Sunday has the following account of the wedding: "Logan Man Marries S. L. Girl "Amid a wealth of summer blossoms blos-soms in the pink and white shades, Miss Erma Allen, the talented daughter of Dr. and Mrs." S. H. Allen, and Ward McAllister of Logan were married last night at the Allen home on Eighth avenue. Bishop Iverson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints performed the ceremony cere-mony at 7:30 o'clock and a large reception re-ception followed from 8 to 11 o'clock. "The bride wore a handsome wedding wed-ding gown of white satin with an overdrape of georgette crepe and chantilly lace. Her tulle veil was caught with tiny flowers of the georgette crepe and she. carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and sweet peas. . Miss Louise Yonker was her only attendant. She wore a dainty gown of pale pink georgette crepe and carried pink sweet peas. Lowry Allen was best man for . Mr. McAllister. "Sisters of the bride, Miss Ruth Allen and Miss Ethel Allen, at the violin and piano, played the wedding march. Music during the reception was furnished by the Schettler string orchestra. "Assisting in receiving the guests were Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen and Mrs. R. S. .McAllister of Logan. Dr. Jane Skolfield, Mrs. John Z. Brown and Mrs. Julian Thomas assisted generally, and in the dining room the following girl friends of the bride assisted: Miss Mary Godbe, Miss Helen Spencer, Miss Eleanor Clawson, Miss Helen Wells, Miss Beth Keate, Miss Vesta Edwards, Miss Esther Badger, Miss V. O. Hewlett Hew-lett and Mrs. Gorden Kirby. "The couple will spend a two weeks' honeymoon at Lake Tahoe and San Francisco and after September Septem-ber 10 will be at home at Milford, Utah. Both are graduates of the Utah Agricultural college, where they were active in college affairs." |