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Show NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF M I DV ALE-HARK-ERS MINING COMPANY Pursuant to a resolution of tbe Hoard of Directors,' notice is hereby given, and there is hereby called a speciiil meeting of the Ktockholders of Mldvale Markers fining Company, a corporation of I'tah, to he held at 8 o'clock p. m. on September !i, liKS!, at the M. A.M. drocery, Sliilvaie, 1'U.ii, for the purpose of considering and acting uxn Amendment of Article 1, of the Articles of incorporation of said company, so that the feame shall read as follows: ARTICLE 1. The name of said corporation shall be IUngham-Midvale Mines Company. C. M. HAXSKX, President. |