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Show al diseases. Missouri passed a new act to replace the one repealed by referendum, ref-erendum, bat it la suspended, until November 1922, by t new referendum petition. The federal vocational rehabilitation re-habilitation act was accepted by 22 states, bringing the total number of states having accepted the act, to SO. The Sheppard-Towner act was passed by congress, creating a board of ma ternlty and Infant hygiene and appropriating appro-priating money for state and federal use. Six states have accepted the act Safety and Health. New Mexico enacted child-labor legislation leg-islation for the first time and school attendance and minimum work age requirements re-quirements were extended In 13 states and Porto Rico. The lifting by women of receptacles weighing 75 pounds or over was forbidden by California; a mining code was created In Illinois; and a new law regulating tenement manufacture was enacted In Wisconsin. Wiscon-sin. Hours. Women's hours were restricted for the first time in New Mexico, the eight-hour eight-hour day being extended to factories, laundries, hotels, restaurants and places of amusements. Hours and standard working conditions for women wom-en determined by the industrial welfare wel-fare commission of California were made legal requirements for all Industries. Indus-tries. , Employment Free employment services were created cre-ated for the first time in Nebraska, North Carolina and North Dakota; and In Illinois they were extended to towns and villages. The California ! state board of control was directed to arrange for tbe extension of public works to relieve unemployment In times of emergency. Immigration. Immigration was restricted by congress con-gress tn a law limiting the number of aliens of any nationality who may be admitted to the United States in any year to 3 per cent of the number of foreign-born persons of that nationality nation-ality resident f the United States, ac-cnrrPrtg ac-cnrrPrtg tfr tbe census of 1910. , Administration. l-l'ftu:i:eiii f iMhor and Industrial relations were created, and the various vari-ous -xisUug commissions and bureaus consolidated or abolished, in California, Califor-nia, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio and Washington. The New York labor law was recodified, completely reorganizing reor-ganizing the department of labor. WAGE EARNERS 7 BENEFITED BY LAWS ENACTED 1 Annual Summary by Labor Law Association Shows Continued Extension of Safety and Health Measures in the Interest In-terest of the Workers. New labor laws enacted by congress con-gress and more than forty states show continued gains tn the protection of the safety and health of wage earners, earn-ers, although en the pressing issue of unemployment the legislative - record la practically blank, according to a summary ot the year's labor legislation legisla-tion issued by the American Association Associ-ation for Labor Legislation. "Of particular Import is the progress prog-ress made during the year In federal-state federal-state co-operation fbr maternity protection pro-tection and for vocational rehabilitation rehabilita-tion of Industrial cripples," says Secretary Sec-retary John B. Andrews. "Passing by congress of the Sheppard-Towner bill for maternity and Infancy protection, crowning for victory a three-year Intensive In-tensive campaign, found six states prepared pre-pared for Immediate action, having accepted ac-cepted in advance the federal aid now available. This advance acceptance of the federal act Is In several Instances In-stances based upon the bill for state action prepared by the Association for Labor Legislation. Twenty-three additional ad-ditional states In 1921 enacted legislation legis-lation accepting the new federal act for vocational rehabilitation, making a total ef 80 that have adopted this slg-ni slg-ni flea at development In workmen's compensation legislation. "Acute unemployment continued throughout the year," he states, "yet congress and more than forty states ; met la legislative session and ad-1 Journed with apparent Indifference to the Immediate need for adopting a constructive program of legislation for permanently combating the disastrous results ef Industrial depression. California, Cal-ifornia, alone, took a forward step in enanlng a law for long-time advance planning of public works by the state ta heVp In preventing .urempleyroent The Keayon bill, In congress, nluied to set the federal government upon a similar course of distributing public werks Intelligently. The nation-wide Interest In this legislation, as reflected in the press, gives promise of stale ac-lion ac-lion that may open the door to an era of s!atemnnsliip In America in iealiug wl memploymont." The President's conference on unemployment un-employment Is referred to in the jtat.'ment us the outstanding oilhiul development of the year iu relation to unemployment. Kmphusls Is placed upon the Importance of the conference In setting unemployment before the rountry In an ofllolnl way ns primarily i problem of Industry. Its prorata of emergency rll. f. It is stated, Is In line with and strongly reinforces the "Stai dard Kecommeinlutlons" ns formulated for-mulated by tbe Association for Labor Legislation In VMTt with the co-operation of more than I!tX organizations i in lin different communities and re-i.lTirmed re-i.lTirmed and republished, tcthcr wit'e Ibe results of the ns-wUtii-n's unemployment survey of i!-l, In t!;e American 1.'.-U'.ntlve Keview. Social Ins jiT.tice. Thii't y-otii; .-states and corirc-.-i n.i.eji'!. d the existing compemaibu laws, extending tbe H'ts to cover more persons and Injuries, reduce tia- v. ait ln, period, Incrense benelils, and, in ! tbe c.s of Ublo, to covttf uctuatiou- |