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Show I A WORKINGMAN'S SOLILOQUY Br CLINTON BANCROFT I em die Hum! giant I am e part of tha incomprehensible mind wf lb waiver. I am the man who first conceived the plow. ' My hsnds fsjhiotwd its rid shares ot wood and with fc tumsd tKe sod. I raisa the grain that tVeds the armies of the world. And I walk to and fro throughout the land setting a Manet. The Matter rub th Lamp. I build factocie and nulla and palace foe him. M children toil and sweat in hi service; we lire in a hut. , . , , ' I delve deep in the earth and mine th coal and iron that give mankind dominion over brute. I build road of tene and tract, and bridge the torrent and chaim that divide th mountain. I build great thip and sail them e'er th seas, then bring thou safely mto pott Uden with Cream re and meekly ley it at the Matter feec Without my loyalty to Mattarahip, ignorance and poverty v1 vanish from the earth. And (till I feci the goad Of human rued and bend beneath my load. ' The Master tuba the Ring. I fight tha battle of the king. At hi command, I wound and ly my fellow worker without causa, I diva beneath the water of th tea and tink and destroy that which I have bulk. Th fabled power of Jove are nun; th irphyr, my easy pathway t the tkiea. k I drive my car among the cloud and mount above th storm. Beside me tha grim reaper tits and grins As I hurl thunderbolt of death and fir ' , Upon tha children of th land for hire. Then back on earth, creeping and crawling By dyka and trench, a thing of.filth and slime, I wat the dreaded hour to sally forth and kilL Sated with scene of carnage and auffring th torments of the damned, I envy th felon hi prison lif and easy death. I am a creature who feels Upon his neck the crush of iron heels. I have made the lightning my messenger and conquered Inn qnd spec. I speak across continents and seas with tongue of fir and herald fs Psrtfacoat of War. listen t a message to vou, O fellow worlcingmanl Thy brother' blood aieth unto m from th ground." Listen I a message to you, ye ruler of the world I Thou halt not kill And above th awful raging of th storm of war and battle, I hear voices saying, ''Pence, be KilL" Tia the wceping'of the Mothers and the children; Tia th brokanlteanad sisters crying peace; But when I speak th word, war shall forever cease. The scale are falling from my eyes; I think I tea a light arise. Dtnvtf Liber Bullttm. |