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Show v kVASHINflTON ' A.n oi-tfer instructing postruastr i throughout the country to stop the de- ! Hvery of malls at every dulling house not l'avlng a slot or box for mall at the front dour was Issued by Assistant Postmaster General Barlett, Results of the semiannual motor gasolluo survey, just concluded by the United States bure;ru of mines,'. Indicate Indi-cate that the average gasoline sold In the country is of better grade than has heretofore been he case. ' Exports of American foodstuffs for the month ot July and the seven in. nths of th's year ending with July showed a material decline, the department depart-ment of commerce .p.nnounced." The general decline is to be expected, of. iic.'o-ld stnted, due to the formal readjustment read-justment and return to pre-war o ndl-tions. ndl-tions. Meat and meat products an! wheat took the biggest drop while ex poi'U of coarse grains, due ts the lot price in this country, continued to b crease. , . Conrerees on the tariff bill expwt to have their report ready for the snate and house by September 15. Efforts to Ket Henry Ford to withdraw with-draw his offer fur Muscle Shoals, for the reus n that acceptance of his bid by congress would remove any posxl-1 hility ct . his be'ng a presidents or senatorial candidate, will be made shortly by a group of Ford- political backers. A favorable report on the amended IVmierene bill to regulate expenditures n connection with the election of senators sen-ators and representatives was ordered by the senate elections committee. As amended, the bill would pnvlde that a candidate for the senate could expend ex-pend not more than ?10,00(J "In any campaign for selection as a candidate and for his election fc3 the senate." While a candidate for the house could not expend more than $3000. . Breeding a dairy cow , which will give enough. milk to feed thirty children chil-dren a day more than six times th,e capacity of the ordinary cow is one of the latest feats of the industry, which has been accomplished by the United States department of agriculture, agricul-ture, and which can be done by proper pro-per feeding and selective breeding on the Maryland government farm. Tayment by the government of $1,-000,000 $1,-000,000 to the person who discovers a permanent cure for any one of five diseases was proposed in a bill by Representative Sproul, Republican, Illinois. The diseases enumerated are Tuberculosis, pneumonia, epilepsy, de. menlia, praecox. The crew of the giant seaplane Sam-paio Sam-paio Correia, which collapsed and fell Into the ocean between Cuba and Haiti Hai-ti while attempting a flight from New York to Rio de Janeiro, probably will be landed at Guantanamo, Cuba, by the U. S. 8. Denver. All members of the crew were picked up by the Denver after the plane made a bad U.ndlng and v as smashed. ' warn w C)PEEK A Complete History of What Mas Been Happening Throughout V the World WESTERN The Casino at Tonopua, Nev., center of sport for those who turned u;. pay dirt when gt ld min ng waa at it height in this district, Is no more. The famous rendezvous, known to thousands thou-sands of gold hunters as a place where in palmier days, roulette wheels hummed and cards were turned for high stakes, now lies in the center cen-ter cf a fire devastated area which swept the Tonopah tenderloin district. The fire, thought to have been of Incendiary origin, did property damage dam-age estimated at $250,000 and more than 2C0 persons were made homeless. The largest Compact body of yellow pine timber owned by the federal gov-k, gov-k, ' emment, a tract of 550,(KX) acres In eastern Oregon, Is soon to be opened for sale ond development, the forest en-Ice announced. The tract is on the watershed of the Silvles river, hi the Malheur national forest, and Is aid to contain 7,000,000,000 feet of mature ma-ture saw timber. Forest reserve of-' of-' ficlnls siijd that the land would be sold regulations, so framed as to "inmire for develijpiusnt under government continuous production for all time" of 60,000,000 to 60,000,000 bmrd feet an-Dually. an-Dually. Jerry H'.nes, 27, escaped from the Utah state prison. He was serving nn Indeterminate terra for second degree burglary committed in Carbon. The ordinary wooden shingle Is a grave danger In almost every city,-fire chiefs fnrrni all parts of the United States decided at their convention recently re-cently in Sun Francisco. The interstate commerce commission commis-sion has held that existing carload rates on apples from Idaho and Utah points, by way of Salt Lake City, to Biabee, Douglas and Nogales, Ariz., are unreasonably hljjh, and directed that the rates be reduced to $1.40 per hundred pounds. Never in the history of the inter-mountain inter-mountain west have there been more motorists touring than this summer. Since the latter part of June thoy have swanned into this district by the hundreds daily. All previous estimated es-timated and actual records have been shattered by at least a 25 per cent increase. ' GENERAL What Is said to be the first training camp for farm women In the United States Is in progress at Jackson Milla, W. Va. Eighty-five women from farms located In 18 counties of the state are registered. Tangible assests of Allan A. Ryan, Aall street broker and manipulator of the famous "Stuz corner," who recently recent-ly went Into bankruptcy with liabilities liabili-ties of $18,000,000, were sold tor $S000. Threats of death If he . goes Into Williamson county to conduct an Investigation In-vestigation K)f the Herrin massacre have been received by Attorney General Gen-eral Brundngee, of Illinois. Because a rejected suitor threatened threaten-ed to "get" CI vlla ChnvucnppI, IS, and "rflnk Trnppinl, 2.1, as they entered trtm church of St. Anthony of Paduca. at Rochester, N. Y. tn be married, police po-lice were on guard. A cordon of police po-lice met the bridal party and escorted It to the altar, keeping step to the trains of the Ii hengrln wedlln." march and the ped of wedding bells Harry D. White, said to be wanted by Federal Postoffice Inspector II. 10 Graham on a charge of swindling S. Tuch of Plalnfield, N. J., of $00,000 nt Miami, Fla. on March 17 1021 was nr. rested by agents of the Denved district dis-trict nttorn,vs' oiTie who have beer conducting raids on an alleged million dollar "confidence ring." FOREIGN The Germi.n mark Is selling on New York market at five cents ier hundred. The hotel employees of Buda Pest have proclaimed a general strike fol- j liwlng refusal of their demands for in- elusion of a 10 ppr cent tip In all bills ' presented to guests. The guests Including In-cluding a number of Ameriians are being obliged to cook their own meals, j The upionlsts In Guatemala have overthrown the government of t'resl-d t'resl-d nt Orellumi, and the president Is tleeing the country. Shanghai's experiment, begun some two years ago, to eliminate commercialized commer-cialized vice from the International settlement, has been occasioning widespread wide-spread dlscus3l. n In Shanghai and elsewhere by renson of recent official reports that s era to Indicate, the be-II be-II f that the plan adopted will n it work. Manuel I Q lezon, president of the I'hilllplne san ite, nddress'n the Phll-!flne Phll-!flne agricult lrnl c 'nirres Wednesday blamed bot hthe Republican and the Democratic parties Tr non-investment of American capital in the Philippines. Gnat Britain will hold rn International Inter-national Air Congress in London the ast weeii of June, 1023. The con-crence con-crence will be open to all countries William E. Chalmnn, IS, Is said by police fli have confessed responslblllt' for a fire which did damage est'nmto'' at about half a million dollars In the downtown section of Win-ton Salem, N. C. Repeubllcan leaders are alarmed over reports that the president will not seek another term. Increased wares averaging 47 pet rent, and affectlnc between "0,000 and 40,000 nonunion minors In Wcdmore land and Fayette counties, West Vlr glnla, were decided upon at a iuet lng of operators, It wun officially an noenced. Three bljf ntcel corporations, em ploying nnrly .100,000 workers, have innoiinced a 20 per cent a.'e increase for all day laborers In their manufacturing manu-facturing plants. Tho state governments of the 1'r.it-ed 1'r.it-ed States have a total dht of 1 ,071.-fiOO, ,071.-fiOO, ftfJ.'JS, or ?I0.1H Mr every man woman and child In tho country, ac. cording to a nation wide surveyo of State finance Just completed by the Bank of Amerha, New York. vhlch are signatories of the Interna-ional Interna-ional Air Convention. The technical and scientific development of aero-uantics aero-uantics In all Its aspects will be dis--usacd. England's policy on reparations It Kond by Andre Tardieu in speech. An American steamer is fired on b hincse troops and the captain badly rounded. Kink Alf-.nst) wins ,1.",000 francs at le'iiivilio races by backing American j .'keys. Austria bankrupt; credit la sole ; o;i(! for rchabiltath n. A bucket brigade f 209 Armenlar tl'ian boys from the industrial school vently sa ed thousands of Turkish loir.os at Peylerbey, on the thickly opulati.-d Asiatic shores of tho Bos-'iionm, Bos-'iionm, from destruction by fir.). j Cyrus C. IC. Curtis, Philadelphia :.iibl!shcr, returned to the 'nltd .;.t,'itos after seven weeks in Kurope, with word from former Premier Clem-. Clem-. ncean that French war leaders felt America noiir finished htr jo!,." |