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Show : THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM, UTAH I COMIC SECTION I 1 'Buzzin Around T''''--':-: I. Shame on Them. pERHAPS there are a few mothers who do not know the virtues of Fletcher's - . Castoria. Perhaps there are a few who know that there are imitations on the market, and knowing this demand Fletcher1 It is to ALL motherhood, then, , that we call attention to the numerous imitations and counterfeits that may he set before them. : It is to all motherhood everywhere that we ring out the warning to beware of the Just-as-goo- d". For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been an aid in the upbuilding of our population; an aid in the saving of babies. And yet there are those who would ask you to try something new. Try i ' this. Try that. Even try the same remedy for the tiny, scarcely breathing, babe that you in all your robust womanhood would use for yourself. Shame on them.' ifB&v Children Cry Fop iflkrS Friend, the Physician. Cheerfulness andRcsLCaotaac The history of aU medicines carries with It the story of battles H' neither Oplam,MorpWne nor against popular beliefs: fights against prejudice: even differences of iat Mineral Not Narcotic opinion among scientists and men devoting their lives' to research vrork? 1 xhSSSw2Ea laboring always for the betterment of mankind. This information r.g f is at the hand of all physicians. He is with you at a moment's call mm J bo the trouble trifling or great. He is your friend, your household tt?V,j I counselor. He is the one to whom you can always look for advice even though it might not be a case of sickness. He is not Just a --Tl iZSUf ) doctor He is a student to his last and final caU. His patients are So &n-n- "" his family and to lose one is little less than losing one of his own AhclpfulRcmedyfor flesh and blood. CsitioxidJDiarrhgc Believe him when he tells you--as he will-t- hat Fletcher's , BndTFifi)sLEEP Castoria has never harmed the littlest babe, and that it is a good IrSSS' thing to keep in the house He knows. '"Pf 'racSimileSinamreof MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHEJP8 CASTORIA If JggL GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iltrSs&d Bears the Signature of Exact Copy Wrapper. ' th o.ntau- - e- -. Ifnl (POM! Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie UW UjyllBllg PUTNAM FADELESS PYES-d- yes or tints as you wish The Baking Powder that Gives the Best Service in Your Kitchen :,; CSMdMSIEF The Economy BMfflN PflWBEIR - EES Fisff and Wfiolecosss Fodo No Failures (j H Wast When a "Big and Cheap" The moderate cost of. can of baking powder is Y Calumet combined with offered you-LO- OK OUT. fMfjjfUr I the highest merit estab- - Hshes the greatest of Every can of Calumet is :Jvfi fe4 bakingpowdereconomy. the samekeeping Qual-L-J ity Perfect - last spoon- - W You save when you buy.it: iui good as the lirst. test You when vou use it. The World's Greatest Baking Powder Freddie Wouldn't Even Take a Chance I ' r 7 1 I : 1 7 1 I YOU- - ALL READN FOR. NOW TY f lCbT TrAlNC G lesson, NE.Pffofettofc I'm coins to gue a FREDOi'E ? j YOUTHS MORNING hT ? I mj f I , ' - ft A LITTLE QUIZ Wllnl . A QUIZ J I 1 TXCT KNOW ) v-- f ' nothin VJi what rr s , But t I VTW CERTAlNLN 3OE5HT I J S0UNt GtoODTOME. "1 ' l" (imll 'fi WNrn m mgtmm Soma Town. "Is your burgh a sporty town?" "Sure Is. Why, when the wind whl ties, It whistles Jazz." Judge. Just So. "Now they have woman movie dJreo tors." "They are used to screening men." Means Bad Results. "Jones means well." "Yes, but he lives beyond his means." Washington Star. At life's banquet the scum Is often taken for the cream. IThe miser does not two bis gold owns him. Best feature of a city Is that you can Ignore so much. No Satisfying This Boy! i -jo ' i |