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Show ' i THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, UTAH - " ( y,1 "'. - , zzz SUMMONS , . In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake Count-t- y, State of Utah Louis Mazarino, Plaintiff, ! Dorothy Sullivan Mazarino, Defendant. : The State of Utah to the said Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons up-on you, if served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thir-- j ty days after service, and de-fend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the de-mand of the, complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought for the purpose of dissolving the mar-riage contract between Plaintiff and Defendant. ;' ARTHUR C. COLE, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. 0. Address: Town Hall, Bingham Canyon, Utah. MINT RESQrM 1 1 18 East Second South Street ' SALT LAKE CITY . w i Camps Meet fj PHIL M. RALEIGH, Proprietor ; : o. i ; Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-de- rs and Drafts Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent ;y , , t , , u,., INSTANT RELIEF , for Aches and Pains Th application of comtant, even haat la very effec- - ' tlva in tha relief of pain and aorenesa. THE SIMPLEX V- - Elecric Heating Pad "S la alwaya ready for Imtant aervlca replacing the laky hot water bottle and givng conatant, dry heat whenever you wlah. Reguarly Priced $10 Now Reduced To Be sure to get yours now they are setting fast at J this special bargain prlcel t Utah Power & Light Co. Efficient Public Service S&iiiUkiliiikilab l.teriSf: I' The Hews Job j but none of It Is real s i Printing 2 value. Cheap stuff s ? Is usually worth ol- - J Rpnrf ItlAnf ? most what It costs. J Our printing Isn't J the cheapest you s can tiet, but it's as FliOKE 31 iood as the best, s W.ViVAViWiVW.'iVVV Mi . SERVE BREAD I Have you ever sat down to a table where no Bread was served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal ' seemed! ' Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of econonjy to-da- y. GOOD BREAD I is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's ' ' o delicious, ; , Fresh every hour. - STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., . Phone 187 BINGHAM CANYON OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT Oregon Short Line Railroad ' The Oregon Short Line Railroad Company anntmfrPf a its intention to give preference to young men residing on its lines in employing men, as far as possible, to fill places in all classes of the railroad service and advances the following reasons therefor. FIRST It will eliminate the "Floater" among our employes and substitute local citizens and taxpayers. SECOND It will create a mutual interest and a common under-rtandm-jr between the railroads and the people they serve whereby Mch will be able to understand and appreciate the problems and dif-ficulties of the other, and work to a common end, viz: the welfare of the country ReneraUy as the interests of the railroad and the commu-nities they serve art identical. To this end they extend a special invitation to young men who live in the country and towns along their lines to enter the railroad service. At the present time their greatest need is for rough carpenters and , experienced ahop men and mechanics, and while they prefer men who have had om mechanical experience that would enable them to fin-ish their training at an early date, they are willing to employ, to a certain extent, young men who are ambitious and willing to learn, and teach thera the various trades or professions which enter into railroad work. There are also a number of advantages which railroad employes I eonffjiocyerswhich do not obtain in other lines of work, and employment will be glad to explain these matters by personal interview with prospective employes. Following is a list of positions and rates of pay now in effect . for shop employes: riuatiatM Tm Hr. CI..irtlon Pr. Hr. CluftrtW Ft Ur. SlwMBbt rtr .71 rie-h- .61 M UiJtlijIL """ BIk.mtth-Jou- r- C.r ln.i-.rtor- - F.n.r .SJ 111 ADontLi to"""""" Furr.c Oiwrator .70 Air Tk' ln.ptoT. M Foreta, M-- hln. Air HrWlr M K.lmk Opmtor .70 lr?ZZ. BIk.mlU ILmmw Operator... .62 rV, Crmn opp-.mi- t .70 U!?.klV rwtv l.t month. .tl Tln.milh. .70 I,1 A ) tnd t month..ZZ .!9V4 Pi-- nttr .70 iJt'cZZv? Sri Smooth. .3! .70 ."." E;. A Mh (month. ,87 HhwrtM.-tn- Wnrk.rs .70 ? ,nf . 1 A th month. .J(t'-- Bh'rt Mul Work.r r..; ai 7th t month. Aii ""wr. .47 HnrT - " 8th Smooth M Poii,r Uit-- r. 47 "fl,. ?! H.lirApprrr.lieto Arm.tur. Wlnd.r. . .70 frZ'urr 1 Mchlni.U KlPctriolnn. . .70 f , x'' '?! Hl.rk.rn.th. Crnnvn (0 40 ,'..m "" '11 l.t month. .47 Ton) ,'' --- Jnd emonth. ., Cr.nj.-- n (Under 40 COZZ i" Srdjmon h. .61 .. M Knuino Vv.W.mrn .St J M PV. f Fir Knnckr. .M J hjmonth. .fj --l?'' Hr. I.whtrr. Z1 . . .67 'Iv .7" i Mwhlnbt .lr. .. .47 P.intr.CV-- .70 K"d P.lnUr. l Tool Ktom Attendant .47 l'intri-Freig- ht 1ro',.t Kfld Cop mir .47 Ciirpentsr.- - Worno-- I,n"ld'' Ollw Varkm .47 ' .70 I.ubrMor Jlllrr. .. .M Holt Cutt.r. .47 rrpnUni-rr- h . .70 S.ndlJryrr. Si l:ollnr.ko- r- f.l. .7S Crp.nUnj Freight Supplripen I oco- - Hollrm.k.r Krd. Cr M moiiv. ? Kn. ln.p'tf-- r . .Tl Cnntr-Found- ry M Supplimwn -- CiIkw H Bollrmk.r Joor- - PutUmm.krt. .70 J':rrprn ', rwrm.ta .70 lTtholUrer . .70 Wiper. Kl.nitrr .7 Mlllmen .70 Pr. D.r I'lu W.Mrr .70 TrlnW V.lv. Ke- - StHtionnrr Frurinrir Ijixm- - (hit .lt P(rr .70 A r irrmrn t4.d to H.l H.Kr. Fire Hrlpvr.. .(I Carm.n -- TcniW lli-t- lr lUlpm, Itollrrmaktr Ulp .47 Trutk. ."! Outaid. 14.40 HoilfrwBhni 47 Owh Trurktn.n .70 Puiiiimt. 3 6r.'i) Uammrramitb .80 Klectro Plat.r 70 Pumner. 3.2120 Any adlitional information deiired may be obtaint'd by writing to, or personally calling on Die unJtrs;nc(i. L. E. IIALBERT, Approved: Supervisor if Fmjilojinpnt, II. V. PLATT, Koom No. 209, Union Oepot, General Jutnnper. Salt Lake City, Utah. ' i ..... - I. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. R. C. Gust, 442 Main street. Adv. ARTHUR C. COLE 1 Attorpey-At-La- w . Bingham Canyon, Utah Awocato practicio in Corte degh Stati Uniti in Corte degh Stati Utah When in Salt Lake City se-cure your room at the NEW WASATCH HOTE 73 West Broadway, for ac-comodations like home. Jack Curnow and Chas. Uren Proprietors Matt Contratto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 121 Main Street Wanted to hear from owner of farm for sale. State price. Mrs. W. Booth, Box D, Ilipark, Des Moines Iowa. Adv. Did It Ever Occur to You That the new fuel administra-tor says profiteers will : get no cars, but what we want to know is whether we will get any coal. . That "Back to the Mines" is a slogan which will deprive Bing-ham's quartz mines of some cap-able miners. ' That a horse is not much use if not well broken but it's dif-ferent with automobiles. ,. That good opportunities are lost to the lover who fails to embrace them. ; - " That some things in modera-tion are worse than others in ex-cess. ;. ,.'. That fishing would be good if they bit like mosquitos do. , That Jim's Place will be quite a while ere it loses its' name. That Teddy Roosevelt has been wished back from the grave many times during the past year. That Johnson, the painter, is still looking for orders at the office of the Bingham Mercantile Co. That "Hands off" might be displayed on a sign in the office of some prognocticators.1 That as long as the dollars roll in some people don't care how dilapidated i.ts.source looks. That human affairs cannot be run by simply pressing a button. That the trouble these days is the lion wants to lie down with the lamb inside. That women would never hold out for seniority rights. That Harry Mitchell still re-members a Bingham old timer when he sees one. That when members of the U, S. Senate call each other jack-asses there is nothing for us out-siders to do but take their word for it. That one raise in coal miners wages usually means two raises in the price of coal. That Americans get more let-ters than any other nationalities, because they have mofe charge accounts. That all flappers do not bob their hair; some m.angle it. .That paint can near disguise a girl beyond recognition, but it can't make a fliver look like a limousine. That people who declare there is "no use talking" usually do a great deal of it. That humility is a good thing to have up to the time it meets self imporance. That "man wants but little here below," and when he gets it, if ever, somebody tries to take it away from him. That young people who are tliougut to be going to the de-vil usually come to a detour sign and turns to the narrow path. That if you want a real bear story ask the Senator about it. That some of the boys are an-xious to have a look at the new school marms. That a finger post pointing to Salt Lake would have been ap-preciated by some of the Bing-ham boys who patronized the Lagoon Resort recently. Chips and Shavings From Lark . Mrs. A. P. Hemingsen, Mrs. Henry Heringer and Ben Crit-tenden were Salt Lake visitors Monday. , Henry Lohse ; visited in Salt Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Magec vis-ited relatives in Riverton Sun-day. A few little friends of Stanley Arnold entertained him at a surprise party Friday evening last. Dancing and games were enjoyed and a dainty luncheon was served to Alice Hatt, Ruby Peterson, Venus Walker, Alice Magee, Margaret Hatt, Belva Crittenden, Wayne Turpin, Mor-gan Sandstrom, Leverl Nell, Scott, Sidney ancl Stanley Ar-nold. Miss Emma Sandstrom left Monday for Salt Lake where she will spend the winter at the L. D. 5. Business College. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White, and Mrs. Lisadore Walker mo-tored to Riverton Sunday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Seal and family. Mr. Chick Haun of Eureka, a son of Mrs. Gus Sandstrom, vis-ited with his mother here in Lark Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Penpraze motored to Riverton last Wed-nesday to visit with friends. Mrs. Ernest Silcox and chil-dren of Riverton are visiting with Mr. Silcox a few days this week. Jim Christensen, son Edward, Scott Peterson and Ed. Olsen left Monday for Rock Springs, Wyo., where they will visit that place for a few days. John Prouse visited Sunday with Miss Vera Nordberg at WestMordan. Mrs. Elmer Seal of Riverton was visiting in Lark Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorus Thomas returned home Wednesday after several weeks vacation with rel-atives in Ogden. 4 Mrs. Joe Blewett of Salt Lake City has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Prowse of Butter-fiel-d several days the past week. Percy and Edward Penpraze motored to Highland Lodge No. 21 1. 0. O. F., Bingham, on Tues-day night, where Percy was made a full fledged Odd Fellow. U. S. DEPUTY MARSHAL VISITS BINGHAM j Deputy U. S. Marshal James M. Smith came to camp Thurs-day on behalf of the U. S. Dis-trict of Nevada and arested Ece-qui-el Jauregui, a Spaniard, for stealing and changing brands on sheep. "Cap" has many friends in camp who were-al- l pleased to meet him. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF M I DV S MINING COMPANY Pursuant to a resolution of tbe Hoard of Directors,' notice is hereby given, and there is hereby called a speciiil meeting of the Ktockholders of Mldvale Markers fining Company, a corporation of I'tah, to he held at 8 o'clock p. m. on September !i, liKS!, at the M. A.M. drocery, Sliilvaie, 1'U.ii, for the purpose of considering and acting uxn Amendment of Article 1, of the Articles of incorporation of said company, so that the feame shall read as follows: ARTICLE 1. The name of said corporation shall be IUngham-Midval- e Mines Company. C. M. HAXSKX, President. Term Has Changed Meaning. In the time of (jueun Kli.nbt'th (l.Vi.H-KiO.'t- ) and In the time of George I (1714-1727- ) K slilllltiKt were coined to the pound. This ratio still continues, but the term "imind" has lost it orlin:il nienninar und simply sijnilflfs 20 shillings t.f the present ooilliifre. Free Public Schools In Old Rome. l'.y the Kotirth century In the Kmiinn empire there whs it system of free elementary schools for the children of all workers ; a system of free second-ary sctuMs for the better pupiR nnd n number of special schools (like uni-versities) which also could be rent lied w ithout payment by the poor. The mu-nicipalities everywhere were com-pelled to maintain these,. J. MeCube in "The KvMution of Civilization." Sentiment Analyzed. T.y the war, why in It that tho poor always oat crusts? What do they do with tho soft part of the baf? Wo never heard of tho poor man, not tn literature we mean, who Jlidn't make lils meal solely on the crust of his bread. From the Kansas City Star. Tuesday Wedding Barred. In Mexico no sensible jjirl would con-sent to lo married on n Tuesday, ax that Is lielioved to be the imluck'cst day of the week for weddings. |