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Show "Electrical Wizard" on Power of Radio Charles Proteus Stelnmetz, Schenectady, Sche-nectady, N. YH is called the "Electrical "Electri-cal Wizard." In the electrical world he enjoys International reputation. Probably he Is almost as well known as Edison and Marconi. He la greatly Interested at present In the possibility of radio power transmission. He says: "In some respects radio power transmission exists today, for the message which you receive by radio has been carried by the power of the electro-magnetic wave from the sending send-ing to the receiving station. However, How-ever, while the sending station sends out electro-magnetic waves of sometimes some-times hundreds of kilowatts, this power scatters In all directions, and often less than a millionth of it Is received. But this small power Is sufficient, when amplified, to give us the message. "The problem of power transmission transmis-sion essentially differs from that of the transmission for communication, aa In power transmission most or at least a large part, of the power sent out by the generating station must arrive at the receiving station, to make It economical to transmit the power. "Hence, the problem of radio power transmission is that of directing the radio waves so closely that a large part of their power remains together so as to be picked up by the receiving station. Much successful work has been done In directing radio waves, but the possibility of etouou.icttl icwer transmission trans-mission seems remote." |