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Show Chips and Shavings From Lark . Mrs. A. P. Hemingsen, Mrs. Henry Heringer and Ben Crittenden Crit-tenden were Salt Lake visitors Monday. , Henry Lohse ; visited in Salt Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Magec visited vis-ited relatives in Riverton Sunday. Sun-day. A few little friends of Stanley Arnold entertained him at a surprise party Friday evening last. Dancing and games were enjoyed and a dainty luncheon was served to Alice Hatt, Ruby Peterson, Venus Walker, Alice Magee, Margaret Hatt, Belva Crittenden, Wayne Turpin, Morgan Mor-gan Sandstrom, Leverl Nell, Scott, Sidney ancl Stanley Arnold. Ar-nold. . .. .-. . Miss Emma Sandstrom left Monday for Salt Lake where she will spend the winter at the L. D. 5. Business College. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White, and Mrs. Lisadore Walker motored mo-tored to Riverton Sunday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Seal and family. Mr. Chick Haun of Eureka, a son of Mrs. Gus Sandstrom, visited vis-ited with his mother here in Lark Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Penpraze motored to Riverton last Wednesday Wed-nesday to visit with friends. Mrs. Ernest Silcox and children chil-dren of Riverton are visiting with Mr. Silcox a few days this week. Jim Christensen, son Edward, Scott Peterson and Ed. Olsen left Monday for Rock Springs, Wyo., where they will visit that place for a few days. John Prouse visited Sunday with Miss Vera Nordberg at WestMordan. Mrs. Elmer Seal of Riverton was visiting in Lark Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorus Thomas returned home Wednesday after several weeks vacation with relatives rel-atives in Ogden. 4 Mrs. Joe Blewett of Salt Lake City has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Prowse of Butter-field Butter-field several days the past week. Percy and Edward Penpraze motored to Highland Lodge No. 21 1. 0. O. F., Bingham, on Tuesday Tues-day night, where Percy was made a full fledged Odd Fellow. |