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Show UTAH .... NEWS REVIEW .... 2 Q Salt Lake Damages of $10,000 fur the death by burning of Harriet John- ' Bon, 20 months old, In the county hos-pltal hos-pltal January 2, 1921, was filed In the district court by the baby's father,. Horace A. Johnson. Dr. A. Cyril Cal-lister, Cal-lister, county physician, Dr. George V. Roberts, assistant, and Miss Kisia' Hawks, nurse, were named as defend, ants. The complaint alleged that the Infant died from burns received when Its bed caught fire from an aluohul lamp used in giving an alcoholic Inhalation. In-halation. The defendants, In a answer denied the charges of negligence. Salt Lake. In the compilation of the tax levies in the several counties In t&ie state as compiled by the state toard of equalization and assessment. Grand county figures as one of t'ie hlgest in county levy. Davis county Is lowest. More than half of the taxes raised In Grand oounty come from public pub-lic utilities, the Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad paying practically half of the taxes collected In the county. Salt Lake. A number of relics from the pyramid district of Old Mexico are to be added to the museum at the State University, following a visit to the scene of the excavations this summer sum-mer by Dr. Andrew A. Ker, assistant professor of archelogy at the University Univer-sity of Utah. Salt Lake Pony Polo will be one of the feature amusements at the Utah State fair this year. " Two teams, each composed of four expert horsemen, will compete for silver luv. lng cups on three days of expos ti n week, October 2 to 7. On the alternate alter-nate three days there will be squad drills between Fort Douglas men and members of the State National (JunnL rVTT"T " ") f' "Km ; I jp-u.,. , "?," 1, vvv I , - . . ,i '.-,, . , , , . . , One of the State Fair Buildings Salt Luke. The Salt Luke red'-ra-tlon of Labor has passed resolutions f ' the effect that If the one-man cars iu Installed In Salt Lake over the pto-tests pto-tests of the employes the federat'on will demand a return to franchise provisions pro-visions In regard to streetcar fares five-cent cash fares and four-cent tickets. , Tooele. The Southern Pacific com-pany com-pany haa announced the adjustment f rates on zinc oxide from Utah mlni-s to provide for competition of the lcnl product In the California and Puclflc coast market. Heretofore It has been practically Impossible for zinc o-'li!e t be marketed on the coast, due to tho high freight rate. Eannb. Efforts are being made ti preserve the walls of Johnson's crnyon In Kane oounty, which bear evideu- of prehistoric periods In the h'emply-phlcs h'emply-phlcs thereon, but which are be ng defaced by the placarding of advert: s-Ing s-Ing matter. Wendover. A seventy-gallon st II, 100 gallons of moonshine and 10Ki gallons gal-lons ot mash were seized u a raid by prohibition officials. Ogden. Freight rates on enned t and cocoa shipped from Salt Lake to San Francisco will be reduced at one e. Prove The first district of the Federated Women's Clubs of Utah and Wasatch counties met in Provo In the Iuiji tJttU ut a coopeibtivb plaa by movements for civic betterment could be carried out American Fork. Joseph Scaln of nelper was seriously Injured when his auto turned turtle at fifty miles per hour near here. Provo. The chamber cf commen t is launching a "cut the weeds' campaign. Rlverdale. Auto carrying thirteen people turned over at a narro-v curve here. Several severe wrenches and bruises were the only results. Ogden. The Klwanls clubs of the state held their district meeting iier. Many of the members traveled to ()-den ()-den In auto caravans. Salt Lake. The burenu of cli Id by. glene, a newly established burenu of the state board of health, la to '-' erated under tho direction of M sj Mary Margaret Muckloy, R. -V, J; i for the pust two years has been t'm director of tbo bureau ct child livgien.? in Montnna. The now director of r 9 new bureiui In Utuh was coiinucie.l with the America Red Crom in tt-e World war In charge of organiln; chapters end assigning nuraof '.a lh northern territory, |