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Show Did It Ever Occur to You That the new fuel administrator administra-tor says profiteers will : get no cars, but what we want to know is whether we will get any coal. . That "Back to the Mines" is a slogan which will deprive Bingham's Bing-ham's quartz mines of some capable cap-able miners. . ' That a horse is not much use if not well broken but it's different dif-ferent with automobiles. ,. That good opportunities are lost to the lover who fails to embrace them. ; - . . " That some things in moderation modera-tion are worse than others in excess. ex-cess. ;. ' ,.'. That fishing would be good if they bit like mosquitos do. , That Jim's Place will be quite a while ere it loses its' name. That Teddy Roosevelt has been wished back from the grave many times during the past year. That Johnson, the painter, is still looking for orders at the office of the Bingham Mercantile Co. That "Hands off" might be displayed on a sign in the office of some prognocticators.1 That as long as the dollars roll in some people don't care how dilapidated its source looks. -.. That human affairs cannot be run by simply pressing a button. That the trouble these days is the lion wants to lie down with the lamb inside. That women would never hold out for seniority rights. That Harry Mitchell still remembers re-members a Bingham old timer when he sees one. That when members of the U, S. Senate call each other jackasses jack-asses there is nothing for us outsiders out-siders to do but take their word for it. That one raise in coal miners wages usually means two raises in the price of coal. That Americans get more letters let-ters than any other nationalities, because they have mofe charge accounts. That all flappers do not bob their hair; some mangle it. . .That paint can near disguise a girl beyond recognition, but it can't make a fliver look like a limousine. That people who declare there is "no use talking" usually do a great deal of it. That humility is a good thing to have up to the time it meets self imporance. That "man wants but little here below," and when he gets it, if ever, somebody tries to take it away from him. That young people who are tliougut to be going to the devil de-vil usually come to a detour sign and turns to the narrow path. That if you want a real bear story ask the Senator about it. That some of the boys are anxious an-xious to have a look at the new school marms. That a finger post pointing to Salt Lake would have been appreciated ap-preciated by some of the Bingham Bing-ham boys who patronized the Lagoon Resort recently. |