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Show Where's the Hay Fever This Summer? nope fu IE r ml not hard to bear, but the reason therefor Is perplexing. The fact remains, re-mains, however, that most of those who are every summer In the throes of hay fever and Incipient asthma are strangely free from the universal ailment. ail-ment. Many learned authorities have attempted at-tempted to explain the nature of the singular malady, but your real hay fever addict takes no stock In technical tech-nical descriptions. He knows that it comes periodically and leaves periodically, period-ically, and that while It remains It Is violently and explosively In evidence. He has the consolation of knowing that relief Is near in the higher altitudes, alti-tudes, but owing to the fact the necessity neces-sity of making a living interferes with his freedom of action, that consolation con-solation hus no practical value unless he can avnlt himself of If Some hay fever victims fall heir to the affliction In August, but veterans vet-erans of the art acquire it early and lone It late. The dandelions start It and the frost ends It. This summer, however, unexpected relief has been vouchsafed and sneerJng has not been at all popular. UNCLE SAM'S experts In several of the bureaus of the Agriculture department and the bureau of public health service of the Treasury de-, de-, partment and the various medical bureaus bu-reaus of the War and Navy departments-are puzzled over the momentous question : What has become of the ' sneeze artist this summer? Expert victims of hay fever, who usually count upon receiving the com-: com-: mlseration of friends and relatives about this time of year, are for some unaccountable reuson pursuing the even tenor of their ways without the aid of a battery of handkerchiefs and lostruma. Of course, the disappointment is |