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Show YOUfJG GIRLS HEED CARE Mothers, watchyourDaughters'Health Health Is Happiness From the time a girl reacbei the lister and sister-io-Iaw take It and are of twelve until womanhood ia ea- have only the highest praise for it It tabliehed, she needs all the care a bas been a household word in my thoughtful mother can give. mother's house for years." Mrs. The condition that the girl ia then Katrertn Ltnd, 2431 Gladys Ave., gessingreugh is m critical, and may Chicago, IU. her future hSfjSsSndlwalS.at A Little Book Helped Her to Decide it is almost criminal for a mother or Milwaukee. Wis. "My daughter guardian to withhold counsel or ad- took Lydia E. Finkham'a Vegetable Vie. Compound as she was so weak and Many a woman has suffered years did not feel like going to school. She of prolonged pain and misery through was like that for a whole year Nef ore having been the victim of thought taking your Vegetable Compound. I lessness or ignorance on the part of found a little book of yours in our those who should have guided her mail-box and decided to give ber your through the dangers and difficultlea medicine. She is now strong and well that beaet this period. and attends school every day. We Mothers should teach their girls recommend your Vegetable Com- what danger eomes from standing S0"!!? mothers with weak around with cold or wet feet, from daughters. You may uso this letter lifting heavy articles, and from over. "g'"?on'aI;l -Mrs.E.KLUCZNY, working. Do not let them over-study. 817 20th Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. If they eomplainof headache, pains "I was always feeling tired and in the back and lower limbs, they sleepy, was losing in weight and need a mother'! thoughtful care and would faint at times. I had other sympathy., . troubles too, that made me f eel bad AHMuenoldWard tn MeiWa Hnnta 1y. I read your little books and beard ANoiuefloiawora in Mother i Houe friends talk about the good Lydia E. writes Mrs. Lynd, about Lydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound had rinkham'a Vegetable Compound. done them, so I bare taken it too. "My mother gave me Lydia E. The results are most satisfactory, f or Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I have gained in weight and my bad when I was 14 years old for troubles symptoms are gone. X recommend girls often have and for loss of your Vegetable Compound to all my weight Then after I married I took friends and you may make whatever the Vegetable Compound before um you like of this letter. "Gloria , - each child was born and always when Ramirez, 1110 9th Ave., Tampa, I felt the least run down. Both my Florida. . Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailment Peculiar to Women" will be aent you fre upon request. Write to the LydiA 12. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable Information. Utmost in Quality Pure materials! sdentific manufacture, manu-facture, absolute cleanliness then sealed against all impurity That is Wrigley's as you get it fresh and full flavored. Aids digestion, keeps teeth white and clean breath sweet and disposition sunny. i f Have vou tried htsX VVRIGLEVS P. K. one? J1S th ncw Wrigley's Adds a Zest and Helps Digest Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION CVT2s?xuVo JQgTj 6 Bell-ans irmyiL-M Sure Relief 25$ and 734 Package, Everywhere Why do women like pipe smokers? We asked many women. One said: "Because a man who thinks things out, does them and goes all the way through with anything he starts gen- . erally smokes a pipe if he smokes at all and nearly always he does smoke." Another replied: "A pipe smoker is more of a home man, it seems to me. There is no better picture of contentment content-ment than a man smoking a pipe in his home after the day's work is done." " He Is more honest, more reliable, more manly," said another but aha was rather young, "Pipe-smokers arc not so Jumpy and fidgety, so nervous as son-emok-exs. They're more easily contented," was the opinion of one woman. There were many reasons given by the fair ladies; some of them not very powerful from a logical viewpoint The significant feature of the questionnaire ques-tionnaire was that the great majority of the women admitted that they do like pipe smokers. And Just to show that woman is not the only illogical of the two sexes, we asked a number of men why they liked the tobacco they smoked. One said it was strong enough for him. Another said it was mild enough for him and they were smoking tha earns brand. All of them had some more-or-less indefinite reason for liking lik-ing a certain tobacco, but putting that feeling into words & . "V? waa difficult. Even sfc-lv'.Syf our old Edgeworth .r',,i. V smokersour best Wends -have dif-Wjaxm dif-Wjaxm Acuity' in telling "!rWtf) why they like Edge-STOEjII Edge-STOEjII worth. "It is a friendly, friend-' friend-' Bf ijtnffiHm making tobacco iiJc is tht J" ult" O' bst answer we . 06 A could get. Just l$X)r SKfiTMThere's the whole thing. But Edgeworth doesn't suit everybody. every-body. Out of every hundred pipe-eraokera pipe-eraokera there may be one or two who couldn't get supreme satisfaction out of Edgeworth. Nevertheless, we would like to send any pipe-emoker free samples of Edgo-worth, Edgo-worth, and we are sincere when we say that we would rather send samples to a man who thinks he will not like Edgeworth for he may find he is mistaken and then he will be the best friend for Edgeworth that a smoker could be. If you will send us your name and address on a postcard, we will forward eamplcs of Edgeworth, Ready-Rubbed and I'luff Slice. The samples are free and postpaid. If you'll add the name and address of your tobacco to-bacco dealer, we'd appreciate the courtesy. Address your card to Larus & Ilrother Company, f0 South 21st Street, Richmond, Va. To Kdail Tobareo Merchants: It your jobber rannot supply you with Edgeworth, Uirus & Urothor Company Com-pany will gladly sf ml you prepaid by parcel post a one- or two-do-t n carton of any size of Plug Slice or IU-ady-Rubbod for the name price you would pay tae jobber. MAN'S BEST AGE A man ia as old as his organs; ha can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles since 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Leak far the nana GoU MaJal cm srrary boa and accapl do imitation i Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum, and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trln. Advertisement I Shave With Cutlcura Soap The New Way I Without Muti ICVfillD Uses Cutter V II lUUil Serums and Vsccinrshci " Qvnnj hit bent to cnnitr-r y,.ur VETERINARlANSps The Cutter Laboratory " ; aSr that Kntwi 1'tv" Berkeley (U.SL.;c,) Csl'f.-rrla ' SUSPENDEHS ' A fu!1 y' W"r r mor" iruarnnt'-il CTviirt'j f-V), M-'i firt-T ) M.il ti f I'or'fr-t (nli iir, ' . ). N rj; f"-r to u,t fn.m heal "f dtvf.it. I I ' I uur J)n.ti ltuU-Kfl (jruiK Kivtj tha etrwu-t). ' AKYOUK Of ALt H, t rut can't ..v,?ih, vi, fl v. J (!- ivt , if'Miu e im:r i unnii'. A ''!; ih s ituM (..-t til-. K 1 n ti ' h' Nil-V. mv. .'im f'-r f-' nr rwmiM on imeUWi Vi nit fur .oiy oi ;irvy bj.jinrf .iirt'Vh. MU-WAV STfttXM HUr.PFNOsSR COMPANY 'r-hmit f.Sk,'.iclrsrsJ Ha f ttio I fa ' n'p, ? . AdiUn. M-rh. fca im "m an ! wmfmmmmmmtmunm mmmm D I - C O L - Q f-OR BURNS CUTS ITCH COHE8 7JC at stores; 85c by maii. A-JJtr New Y ork Dri Concern, New Yorl: ''fTiilE1 F I AIM or iral .-.I witl. ! iiUlh ilcili R-oB .-r an.!l.if.rlnr. Ata.l c.w.li-. ,. ... j dire.-i from HLiMG . EUI5, ta-to. UiMt.Ji,' T-.:,S. i VV. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. K- 'OZL . ' -) 11 Alii I'ALSAT.l 1 if tf,' ,) Ktnrt C'olnf onci i ' ' fltf to n:id mdr.A Ui ' Ar""' S r" 1'.-''' Iiru"-',ittn, HfMBRCOft7.23 r... m oi- I'-T.JH-JI, esi.f K!.wr. ft, (ftiU, CMb'lIM Cn.ftffc In ItiO fii, m wt iti inir rr v. INj. t f nmU or at l'ru t(sls VjsjsW. ClaasfctCU UasHl'tsCaaVfcVttt,. I. jmmm j |