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Show J News Happenings I & of th Great E ,. 8 Intermounfadn States Park City .Production of copper by the Utah, Chlno, Ray Consolidated and Nevada Consolidated companies, re umed last April after a completed shutdown of a year, ateadlly Increased during the months of April, May and June, acvordln to the reports of th second quarter of 191:2. Porthinu The Duke and Duchess of Tallyrand were on their way to Cali fornla after stopping In icrtlnnd for a breathing spell last week. Th couple is better known to readers of Sunday supplements in the United States as Anna Oould and her second Frenca husband. They are on the last leg ol their Journey around the world. Elko. Advices received by Supt?rln- , tendent Claron Nelson of the Western division of the United States air mail service from the postofflce department In Washington,' IX C, grants - permission permis-sion for the erection of a new air mall hnnar at Elko, N'ev. The new hangar will cost $14,000 to construct ' Salt Lake. Tax levies In th county ' f Junb and in the cities and towns in the county are higher this year than hoy have been In any one year of the past seven, beginning with 1916 and end.'n with 1022. . v Salt Lake. Citizens of Salt Lake who advanced $19,000 to build an air null hangar ot Woodward fluid and to upply materials for the I'nlted States r 'ilr mall service are to be reimbursed. Ogden. -JDave Oram, 38 yers of age, engine foreman tor the Denver & Rio trunde Westorn Railroad company In ;his city, wos instantly killed when ie fell beneath the wheels of an oil nk car. Riverside, Cnl. Lieutenant Reevea .if iSan Diego was instantly killed and Clarence William Green, his median, clnn, wos fatally injured when their , ' inny airplane was caught in an air locket while flying at Elsinore, near lere, and plunged into Lake Elsinore. Colorado Springs, Colo. Superlorlty f thoroughbred horses over the cow ponies of mustang breeding tor use oa he plains and mountains of Colorado. ttll remains unsettled, honors In tha 'ive-day test for speed and stamina ver a 30-mile course about Colorado Springs recently being equally divided mtween these two breeds. JTflrfoC Unr, a thoroughbred army charger, vns given the Broadmoor remount endurance en-durance cup and first prize money, tabbit, a cow pony, was given third , ositlon and fourth honors went to ferry, a ctobs standard bred army harger. Portland The county presented the city with a $200,000 golf course last week. Spokane. Unless rains heavier than those experienced to date begin falling fall-ing over western Washington the aea. ion of fire hazards will last about five veeks longer. Portland. Certain diseases which are attacking the cranberry In the vicinity vi-cinity of Astoria will be investigated by Professor It. Kent Beattie, pathologist pathol-ogist of the United States department of agriculture from Washington, D. C. , Alameda, CaL Mrs. Nellie Kendrlek announces that she bartered her husband hus-band to Mrs, Edith Spreckles Waks field for $100 a month and ot how ihe later regretted her bargain. She s now considering suing Mrs. Wakefield Wake-field for $25,000 alleged alienation of affectb ns damages. Sp sane. He hadn't seen her since she was a 12-year-old school girl back In Austria, but twelve years of correspondence cor-respondence had convinced Sam Vlro employe ot an electrical company hoie, that Alice Cavisth was the girl for him. They have been married although al-though the bride can speak no English. San Francisco. Five hundred and twelve persons were convicted of vl olatlon of the narcotic laws in California Cali-fornia in the past year, it was shown. In the annual report of the state board of pharmacy Just made public' Portland. Paintings by famous masters are to be exhibited at Oregon Ore-gon slate fair. Minneapolis. Joseph Ithenstrom i.aid to bo wanted by Spokane, Wash., authorities for Jumping a .$10,000 hail there following his conviction of a federal charge, was arrested hero. Ithenstrom, according to information here, was out on bond pending an up peal from a conviction of usln tho mails to defraud In connection with his real enlate business. Denver. "Dixie" Parker catcher cf the. Denver Western lague hf.-'v-hall to. no. caught a baseball dropped fnun th' Dan'e-! and Fisher tower, .'!:;," font h'gh. The tower la In the lie irt of tho ; lit!R!nes district. Parker caught the third hall dropped from the tower, the more ntiim ;.!'n throwing Irm ' off hi: feet.. '( m h's T'.vt try l'nrker te.'s. '.id-'ed the-sad' of the hull and it I 'irik it ifi.'ounit jj's kIic. o, l illinium Kl'iy j tit in the n'.r,-k, The Sci otvl hall drop. I e l wns whle'tind Parker wa t.njhla 1 to reach It. . , .' |