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Show j To Our Beaver I County Friends: j Many citizens of Beaver County have suffer- f X ed embarrassment, and some even distress, be- cause of their savings being tied up temporarily X in banks that have closed. X X t To such we desire to offer the facilities of f this bank. X t Government and other agencies are at work 1 to restore confidence and it may safely be said J Z that the crisis is past. It remains only for us 1 citizens of this community, to stand by our neigh- 2 X bors in distress, to patronize our own people and X X to show that we have the backbone to go S through. X j Milford State Bank j MILFORD, UTAH j Sam Cline Harold Cline CLINE & CLINE Attorneys-at-Law Milford Utah We Specialize In serving our patrons with Standard Drugs at Fair Prices. Should you need Vick's Vapo Rub - Vick's Cough Drops ! Kruschen Salts - Milk of Magnesia ! j We stock them and many other standard commodities. Remember for Healthy Ice Cream Try Colville The Corner Drug LAMAR OUTZEN, Prop. t Dr. Hugh Burgess I EYESIGHT SPECIALIST t ! Prices Reasonable Milford Hotel j TUESDAY, MARCH 8 I j SHORTY'S j BARBER SHOP i New Location Next to Picture Show t !l Will be pleased to have all my old customers and new ones call. l SHORTY TRENHOLM yiahe a Radio Tone-lesl Yourself ANY radio can claim licttrr Make a tone-test yourself. Go - tone. Hut General Electric to several radio utores and offers proof! Time after time in listen to different sets. Tlien concealed tone-tests, competing come in, hear the G-E radio against other leading makes, and "Belicvn your own cars!" G-E has won tremendous major- Many models all reasonably it V votes for its superior tone! priced! GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO FULL RANGE PERFORMANCE Telluride Power Company MILFORD, UTAH |