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Show Ask Your Grocr For "TWIN PEAKS" PEAS BEANS TOMATOES Kocky Mountain Packing Co. Salt Lake City, Utah PLAN SPRING PLOWING . . . with use of ''Caterpillar" Tractor oldest and leading track-type ' ' tractor. Prominent farmers owe ' success to these machines. Write for descriptive catalogs, tandes Tractor & Equipment Co. Salt Lake City and Tremonton, Utah GASOLINE Packed With Power CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS All leading: varietiea. Don't Bay Them Blind folded when it is so easy to see the chicks, the efygrs and the nock3 from which they come. Brother, protect that dollar a3 never before 1 White Leghorns, now only 10c each. BROODERS The world-famous Sol-Hot. Coal, oil or electric. FEEDERS AND WATERERS Klondike. "The Prida of All America." Chick, pullet and hen sizes. RAMSHAW HATCHERIES SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TIMPANOGOS HATCHERY PROVO, UTAH Write, Wire or Call. Ask Your Druggist For AfS?T' MILK OF AtTtiiJlL MAGNESIA AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT SPERE TENT & AWNING Co. 270 SO. WEST TEMPLE Everything in Canvas Goods THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Business and Gossip have one feature in common they should both be kept at home! Don't let your money do your traveling for you. Buy at home and do your traveling in person. Use Common Sense. Investigate the resources of your own community Inter-mountain. Inter-mountain. Get busy and help yourself, and remember "God Helps Them That Help Themselves." Them-selves." EVALYN MacQUIVEY, Wendell, Idaho. WON SUE FUN Return of Youth New York's Sensational New Miracle Cosmetics i Creams in 1 Absolutely Pure. Cleanser, Tissue builder. Powder base Removes & Prevents Wrinkles. Write today for $1.00 jar. Agrents wanted everywhere. Biff returns. WON SUE FUN, 423 Judjre Bid. Salt Lake City, Utah. Send for FREE GARDEN BOOK Contains 100 pages fully illustrated. Address Salt Lake City, Utah YOUR WOOL CAN RE EXCHANGED FOR FIVE WOOLEN MERCHANDISE ' WRITE Original Utah Woolen Mills SALT LAKE CITY CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS Electrical Products Corporation 1046 So. Main Salt Lake City AfJ per week will be P0yt paid for the best 50-word article on "Why you should use Intermountain made Goods' Similar to above. Send your story in prose or verse to Intermountain Intermoun-tain Products Column, P. O. Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If your story appears in this column you will nn receive check for V'vlU W. N. IT. S. L. Week No. 3210 Nature's warning help nature clear yenn? complexion and paint red roses in your paleu callow cheeka. Truly wonderful result Jollow thorough colon cleanaingr. Take t& NATURE'S REMEDY to regrulate and Strengthen your eliminative organs. Then watch the transformation. Try tti Instead Oi mere laxatives. Only 5c. The AllVectahle Laxative 4 &0ttlake the test tonight Rheumatic Pains Relieved this V Quick Way If stabbing pains A shoot across your t . v back and cripple i ' you, rub on good , old St, Jacobs Oil. t. Relief comes before -you can count 60!.., Relief without burn- f ing or blistering. This famous oil v simply draws out V inflammation and 'sOi -nJ, pain. It is soothing, ,-0v healing. For the; Vs aches and pains nf" nn i mini i Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago9 Neuralgia or Backache there's nothing noth-ing so quick or sure to bring relief. Get a small bottle of St, Jacobs Oil from your druggist. RESTFUL SLEEP for FRETFUL, FEVERISH CHILD With Castoria's regulation When your child tosses and cries out in his sleep, it means he Is not , comfortable. Very often the trouble Is that poisonous waste matter Is not being carried off as It should be. Bowels need help mild, gentle help but effective. Just the kind Cas-torla Cas-torla gives. Castoria 13 a pure vegetable vege-table preparation made specially for children's ailments. It contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. Don't let your child's rest and your own be Interrupted. A prompt dosa of Castoria will urge stubborn littla bowels to act. Then relaxed comfort and restful sleep I Genuine Castoria always has the name: C AS T O R I A ydou NEED A TONIC AND NERVINE? Golden, Colo. rwTr'.'' "Some time ago I !" , I used to take Dr. ' ' I'jerce's Favorite A Prescription when- -, :!', i ever I would feel y-r . the need of a tonic . ' , " ' , and nervine tot ' J build me up in f health and it al- . , , ways gave me en- V: .,,ir..Mu tire satisfaction, " said Mrs. O. L. Hall of 506 E. 9th St. !'I only took it now and then when I would feel rundown run-down in health and, as I say, it always benefited me wonderfully. I am glad to recommend this one medicine to ' other women who need a reliabla tonic and nervine." All druggists. For free mrdlral adrlee, vrlu to Dr. Pleroe'a Clinle, Buffalo, N. X. Dr. Pierce's Prescription -1 |