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Show CABLE USED TO GET I MAIL TO KANAB During the past 30 days, the four roads leading 5nto Kanab have all been blocked, due to snows, thus practically isolating the community , from the rest of the state. When drifts piled to a depth of nine feet on sections 'of highway 89, it made the town inaccessible save over the route from Cedar City to the Zion-Mt. Zion-Mt. Carmel highway. Then, during the heavy thaw of two weeks ago, a 180-foot bridge, spanning a deep wash on the Mt. Carmel highway, was washed out, thus making even that road impassable, and so it still remains. i But Kanab has not missed getting its mail and food supplies from other communities. For three days the mail truck drivers of the system from Cedar City to Kanab carried the mail bags across the wash on their backs. By that time they had succeeded in completing a unique cable system and since then a truck from each town drives to the edge of the gully. Mail and frieght are; transported across to the man await-! ing it on the other side. j Wilson N. Lunt, of Petty & Lunt,1 mail contractors, stated Friday that the cable will be in. use for the next 10 days, or until the state road com- mission succeeds in getting a detour, completed, once more making it possible pos-sible for passengers to travel to and from Kanab without transfer. I . I |