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Show h. f v - -ri3 1 H L i. ...... .-..J NURSES know, and doctors have declared there's nothing quite like Bayer Aspirin for all sorts of aches and pains, but be sure it is genuine Bayer; that name must be on the package, and on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and tiie word genuine in red is on every box. You can't go wrong if you will just look at the box: pi 'iffh -fill ho f-AVjv b) Aspirin la e2!Sv' the trade mark of fers' Bayer M anufactnro -aa MoDoacetlcacidestep of Sallcyllcacloi To &1 a Bssra Use Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Money back for first bottle If not sotted. AH doalem HELPED DURING MIDDLE AGE Woman Took Lydia EL Pink-ham's Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound Dotivcr, Colo. "I have l.ikrn nir bottles of Lvdia K. Tinkham's Vcge- - tahlo Contpound jsk-?. R7)d will fake f s V more. I am tidc- . . ' j to help me ' 1 through tho : M w.f' ( iiaii;re of Life i nu I am l'-Hin many of my y lricnds ii take it i :?::'' R8 I found noth-' noth-' ( i jug before this to ! , help mc 1 Inul I " i so many hart feelings at nigjib that I could not eleep and for two years J could not po down town brnni.so I vv.18 afmid of falling. Jly mother took tho Vegetable Vege-table Corryionml years ago with good results and now I am taking it during dur-ing fhe Cliaii'e of Life and rerom-jno'nd rerom-jno'nd it." .Mils. T. A. Mn.i.ra:, Kill Adams .Street, Deliver, Colorado. W. N. U., Suit Lake Crty, No. 39--1928. |