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Show POINTS TO NEEDS OF OUR SCHOOLS LOW GRADES WILL MEAN LOSS OF JOBS IN LOCAL STORES In an effort to raise the standards of scholarship among high school students, local business men have been asked to warn school boys and girls employed by them that low grades will warrant the loss of their jobs- The request was brought before be-fore the Lions club here by J. M. Hughes, as a representative -of the high school faculty. While low grades among employed boys and girls are not the usual run, employment employ-ment has been used by them as an alibi, Mr. Hughes said. He also asked that the sentiment of local people regarding a strong faculty facul-ty and varied courses find expression in a petition to the county school j board requesting another teacher. There are five high school teachers here and ninety- students. Some teachers teach-ers conduct classes all of the seven periods per day. American History and Economics are needed to the curriculum but the faculty strength precludes their addition. There are only two and a fraction units of elective el-ective subjects available to the students. stu-dents. Dr. Parrish urged the subjects sub-jects of physiology and hygiene added to the course of study. Mr. Hughes stated that power machinery ma-chinery was a sore need in the manual training shops, that there is not a single piece of power machinery for use to the boys in manual training. The need of this is felt because Mil-ford Mil-ford is a railroad shop point. Through the Lions club an effort will be directed towards the school board to take up the various needs that local business men feel really do exist. |