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Show crlie clristmas Sjairiti Encourage it ' That sentiment marj liua (greeting Cards keep sentiment alive and enable vjou to send greet inqs to your friends, relatives rela-tives and acquaintances. Come Nou? and make tjour selection, THE MILFORD NEWS Qj HaveJour wth the $Ti 7icilyzcl Louise Rice, world famous graphologist, can positively read your talents, virtues and faults in the drawings, words and what nots that you scribble when "lost in thought". Send yourscribblings" or signature for ftoalyris. Enclose the picture of the Mikado bead, cut from a box of Mikado pencils, and ten cents. Address Louise Rice, care of EAGLE PENCIL CO., NEW YORK CITY j Price of Coal f jj I ! LUMP COAL STOVE COAL . ! !! 5 H Per ton $10Perton ! ! DELIVERED ! ! ii ! THIS IS KING COAL, MINED IN UTAH BY THE U. S. ; FUEL COMPANY. ! ! PHONE US YOUR ORDER AND FILL YOUR BINS NOW ! ! FOR FALL AND WINTER. o . , 1 1 : jj Bonneville Lumber Co. I U. P. TIME-TABLE . EAST-BOUND No. 286:20 A. M. Leave 6;27 A. M. No. 8 11:55 a.m. Leave 12:02 p.m. No. 261:53 p. m. Leave 2:10 p. m. No. 4 9;45 p m. Leave 10 p. m. WEST-BOUND No. 3 7:18 a. m. Leave 7:50 a. m. No. 252:30 p. m. Leave 2:45 p. m. No. 7 4:32 p. rn. Leave 4:42 p. m. No. 278:55 p. m. Leave 9:05 p. m. F1 McMurtry Paint The painter gives your home a good share of its years of usefulness. Without the protection of paint good paint the structure would decay and depreciate in value. That film of paint adds years of service out of all proportion to its cost and it gives an even larger share toward home beauty and enjoyment. You do not spend when you paint YOU SAVE! McMURTRY MIXED PAINT withstands the heat of summer and the cold and storms of winter adding beauty, value and years of life to your property. FALL is the ideal painting time. The .wood absorbs the paint better at this season than at any other time of the year We have just received a big supply of McMURTRY'S PAINTS & VARNISHES. VAR-NISHES. Consult us about your painting plans and let us figure with you. ! Morris & Sons Liz i V The Miller Market j (YOUR HOME TOWN STORE) We Deliver Phone 107 THE PLACE OF QUALITY ! SERVICE AND REASONABLE PRICES FRESH, SMOKED AND CURED MEATS FISH AND POULTRY FANCY AND STAPLE GROCER! ICS '' j FRUITS AND VEGETABLES , ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CHEESE j UP-TO-THE-MINUTE REFRIGERATION FREE DELIVERY . WE CUT U. S. INSPECTED MEATS ONLY f |