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Show RED CROSS MESSAGE TELLS OF HORROR OF RECENT DISASTER IN Til SOUTHEAST ASKS THAT MILFORD DO ITS SHARE TO RAISE NEEDED MONEY . DRIVE NOW ON A telegram this week to Dr. Henry C. Hunter, president of the local chapter of the Red Cross, states that a drive is now on, of nation-wide scope, for funds to alleviate suffer; ing in Florida and Porto Rico. The message, from Pacific coast headquarters, reads as follows: "Authentic reports from Red Cross workers in Florida, state that there are more than one thousand dead, with 16,000 families needing Red Cross aid and 14,750 now being fed by the Red Cross. Serious health problems in Okeechobee district account ac-count continued presence dead bodies buried in debris. American Legion members assisting Red Cross declare situation surpasses honors of war-Forty-five Red Cross nurses on duty innoculating refugees rapidly. Estimated Esti-mated 400,000 people in Porto Rico must receive food, shelter, medical care, from Red Cross for long period. Instant need shelter acount approach-, ing rain season. Red Cross rushing galvanized iron and lumber to Porto Rico on transports. Fifty-two mun-cipalities mun-cipalities furnishing truck loads food, clothing, medical supplies. Magnitude Magni-tude relief tasks makes it imperative that national Red Cross know amount it may count upon. Until further plans, wire this office night letter every Monday and Thursdays, stating stat-ing amounts collected by your chapter." chap-ter." In response to Dr. Hunter's query asking the amount expected from Milford, Mil-ford, the reply was $125- This is no large sum to raise for such a purpose and it is to be lisped that individuals, organizations or lodges will contribute funds for immediate im-mediate use by the Red Cross and get in touch with Dr. Hunter at once. Dr. Hunter has been at the task of raising money for the use of the Red Cross in disasters for fourteen years. He has been responsible for past successes suc-cesses here in Red Cross activities. These duties take much of his time and Milford people should rally to his call and get the money in as soon as possible. The need for it is now. |