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Show H H e H ilMm. jl art.. .ISWtMIOMWMIW"" I It's Certainly Great Coal you get from us. So frco from dirt', stones and sin to. So free burning) -so quick to Kct going. Order a ton or so Just so you can say you got your coal here. Then h. people will say that nothing but K V the best Is good enough for you B even In coal. Ifi M. & L. GOAL AND WOOD CO. K Both Photics, No. 74. I I S99,999.99 1 local money It To Loan E on Farm and City property on HI EASY TERMS; H Wc have the choicest list of Farm B- i and City Property for sale on terms I to suit tho buyer. Wo arc always at vourser.vlcc. H.il. Pederson & Co . Over 1st National Dank, Logan, Utah V mmW B -T & k Xy U - N Mm To bo hit with a CO lb. weight Is not fl pleasant but It Is less pleasant to get i jour upholstering done poorly. Try the I 10GAN SECOND HAND STORr BBi , ' they upholster couches, lounges, Par- H1'. ' lor suites, etc. Our work -is guaran- Bi tccd. Estimates given on application. i Phones 1 06 . 24 W. 1st N. si I UTAH I REALESTATE,LOAN I INVESTMENT CO. HI LOUIS S. CARDON, Mgr. W; 600 acres of line land for sale near :) , UytTt; Pail;, Cache County. 'IMsih l,r0 M; acresof ...inl land tlrst-itta-. beet, and K orcltnrrl Innrl.'wlth nuii'r rluM. Hal- IB' ;inceronl nlfalfn, wheat and pasture BH land Simill payment cii-li. luliitice HB loniiiiio mid low inic of Interest. iVMjB Call or write. This ;. ihe ttst oiipur- HJ Utility for a peinn in u.'i a l.iteu or iVbTj' small tract of hind on i tv lerms in IVt tlie Siait-of L'mIi. IHf . I Rescues Men B 1 GRAEFENBERG UTERINE iCATHOLICON rM&ffi? AU niinnn hurferlnc from woalaie-uiea or lrrosulnrltles should know of this veil mod old mmody, Experiment no longer t'Ut start at onco on tho road to coraploto Lcnltli by udnirtheCatliollcon. rrcjiarol from rmtlvo root and herbs, pwrfocily luirmloss to tho inoetdalloatoly commuted. Your drugcUt cun pupiay you. It he maaaw Li GO' . llt, WrllOUSOtOUCO. M . I tiil gkakfkkbkru co. a i, J HI Chamber Kt N. Y. BY:' iVmii i i nimniMiii wmiii a i w HBM' iHl ' A Business Chance. A rare chance for Investment. Will stand the most rigid Investigation, as It Is based on valuable land with plenty of water at a very low (lgurc. Write for Information, Logan Republican. Repub-lican. Notice Y. M. & Y. L. M. I. The regular monthly convention of the Y. M. and Y. L. M. I, associations of Cache stake will convene In the tabernacle Sunday, April 12, at 2 p. m. All officers are urgently requested to attend, as business pertaining to summer sum-mer work will be considered. A. E. Ckannkv, MAIIV L. IlKNDItlCKSON, Superintendents. (Kotfol Dyspepsia Cura 1 Diat what you cat. . Some One Will Get a Piano. Cheap Ilobbs has one In his window that starts at $200 and he takes off $1 every day until It Is sold. Wo havo the finest line of Dlanos on tho market, and the people we don't sell are those who don't see us. All we ask is a chance. HOBBS MUSIC CO. Notice to Printers. Notice Is hereby given that scaled proposals for printing from 5,000 to 10,000 copies of 'the college catalog, containing about 105 paes, and 20,000 advcrtlsingclrculars, containing about 100 pages, will be received by the secretary sec-retary ot the agricultural college until un-til nodn April 10, 1003. The successful bidder must furnish bond In the amount of 50 per cent of thecontract price. Specifications and samples will be furnished on application. applica-tion. The board of trustees reserves tho right to reject any or all proposals." J. A. Hkxki.l, Secretary. Cstray Notice. In the Petcrboro Precinct. 1 have In my possession the following follow-ing described animals, which, If not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to thu highest cash bidder at Win, Yonk's corral In tho Pcterboro precinct, on Friday, April 17, 1008. at 1 o'clock p. in. One red cow, with some white on bush of tall, branded P with bar over on left hip; car marked with two nicks underneath; wadcl on right Jaw. Ono red brocklc-face yearling heifer calf belonging to said cow. Impounded on April (1, Jos. If. Haiiiimak, Constable. K i . , . I CACHE VALLEY'S j Great Horse Fair I Smithfield.ApMI11.1908 1 . At Which the Following Prizes Will be Awarded: m' J Perchcrona, $10 to sweeps.nkc Stallion at any age, $5 to J W second. W P W Shires, $10 to Sweepstake Slulllon at any aRe, $3 tosccond. W w Belgians, $lo to Sweepstake Stallion at any age, $5 to W second. 9 W Qlydcs, $10 to Sweepstake Stallion atany age, $5 to second, 0' Standard Bred Stallion, $10 to Sweepstake atany 9 A age, $." to second, A 0 Pull Blood Draft Marcs any age, $".50 to first, $2 50 Q tosccond. A 0 Jacks, $." to first, ribbon to second. A Y' " Jennets, $2 to first, ribbon tosccond. A 0 Grade Draft Marcs any age, Blue ribbon to first, Red 0 - a ribbon to second. a. 0 Golts, foa.cn in lWKi, Blue ribbon to first, Bed ribbon to Q a second. a Golts, fouled In 1007, Blue ribbon to first, Red ribbon to m . a second. 4 a Draft Team, $2.50 to first, Ribbon to second. Z a Drlvlnd Team, $2,50 to first, Ribbon to second. - a Single Driver, $2.50 to' first, Ribbon tosccond. m a Ribbons will be awarded In all the clasecs and only first-class at ' 7 Prize winners will be allowed to compete for Sweepstakes 5 X In. their respective breeds. J j 2 Tho Fair Association extends a cordial Invitation to all horse , J, W owners of Cache Valley In Utah and Idaho, to bring W ' 9 their best animals. 0 0 All Stallions will be taken care ot free of charge. 9 JAS. .1. MEIKLE. J. C. BARNETT, C. J. PLOWMAN, m- Committee. mmammmmmmaamaaamaaaamaammamaWmmmaaaaWaammaaaaaamaaaam HAVE YOU DECIDED on your Spring Sv Suit yet? L If you haven't, don't iSmWMSitm ' do it until you have tmjBmIj ..-'MpifM seen our new showing MfjfeiB of KUPPENHEIMER K$gflgijj9 j Clothes for Spring.. wlwwmmm They stand for qual- if raif wi'M ity and the highest j M Ipfl ideal for a correct dress- IS? m The House of Kuppenheuner ,, Chicago ' HOWELL BROS. NEVER UNDERSOLD. I We now run hacks for the Eagle ho. Jg NEW WINDSOR tel and from residences going to and from all trains. Boll Phono 45:ir, Ind-Phone Ind-Phone 212d. .Salt LnUu'K I'lnest l'opular l'rlcel Hotel. WILLIAMSON & SON. Livery. Im tliocenior of tho business district. cap- o... i cliv, SOO iruostH. forty rooms with bath, licit . South Main and cold water. r Ki-ro-prak-tik ' rf ' ',( ij i f. I Is tho latest and most nccurato way of MiV-ri removing tho cause of 05 percent of all ?'V ''iro,. Acute and Chronic diseases known without ' ; ' jVvftv?-? Drug-Medlclno or Operation. Every genu- , ,. ; wra.i'lij Ino Chiropractor adjusts BY HAND ar. ( v, ' one or more (as necessary) ot the .'100 artlcu- " ' $' ' lallons of the skeletal frame, moro espec- fJw tally tho 52 of the Spinal column, thereby removing pressuro from Impinged nerves, allowing a normal supply of Life-Force to every Organ and part ot the body which constitutes health. Whatever your aliment there is hope for you through Chiropractic. Consulta- ' lion and examination free. Dr. J. F. PETRITSCH, Chiropractor. Q Graduate at Dr. D. D. Palmer.) , lg 12 S. Malh st. Bell Phone 129 Logan, Utah, I MMnsnBnniHHiMMHHnaiiMsainHj' b. v t ; .' , |