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Show Rfl HER BREAD UPON THE WATERS. Little Edna Did at Sunday School Teacher TJIrected. It was Biimmertlmo, rind Mr. and Mrs. Qlrvnn had establlBhod them- selves as smmmcr boarders on a large farm, so that their only child, Edna, might have a long-cherlslied wish ro- allzed, Little slx-ycarold Edna had hear.l people talk of farms and farm life, and phe had teased her parents to take her to the "real country," where they have rows, horses, chickens, nnd where the men dig potatoes. They arrived there M Saturday, and the following day Edna Mk was placed In the vlllngc Sunday RRP school. Sho said nothing about It on hor return homo, and her parents had no reason for thinking that their little girl hnd learned a practical lesson; but on the following day when she was given some bread crumbs to feed the chickens her fnco simply beamed with delight, and a fow moments Inter her mother, glancing out of tho window, saw her throw tho bread crumbs Into a llttlo pool of water, and H tho chickens had to stretch their necks far out Into the watur to get tho feed. She meant to ask Edna why sho did It, but tho Incident passed out of H her mind. A few days later Edna's father had occasion to go to the city, nnd when ho returned ho brought homo n hand- some locket and chain for his llttlo girl, It being Intended as a surprise from her father and mother; but Edna, while plainly showing Bhe wbb de- lighted at receiving tho gift, showed . no surprlso whatever, but accepted It in a cool, matter-of-fact manner. I Both her father nnd mother noticed this with surprise, and were keenly disappointed. Finally her mother said to Edna: "But Isn't my llttlo girl sur- prised to rccelvo so beautiful a gift from papa and mamma?" "No," little Edna replied, "tho golden text of tho Sunday school lesson on Sunday was: , 'Cast thy brtuid upon tho waters, for ' thou shalt find it after many days.' And when you Bent mo to feed tho lit- tlo chickens, every day I did 'casted' tho bread on the water, nnd so I Vpected' Bomethlng; my teacher I 'splalned It that way." I |