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Show in the Coal Mines. Ogden Standard: Who can measure tho pay to which the coal niner Is entitled? The man In the depths of earth, delving in dark recesses, re-cesses, J never free from danger Ho maybe drowned, burned to death, blown to pieces, caved upon, starved to ilvath, Imprisoned beyond be-yond release, dashed to death In fact, ho Is constantly In danger of all forms of accident. About every three months this country Is startled with a disaster such as befell tho rain-1 ersat Manna, Wjo. Tho workers in the coal I mines arc slaughtcied by tho score some- ( times by hundreds. The wonder is that a roal ( ! miner ever lives to bu more than forty yca,rs of ( age. ' !( When one of these terrible gas explosions ( occur, there Is less chance for an) one within ( the range of tho subterranean convulsion to ( cscapo than there Is for one of the gunners in , our battleship turrets to survive the destruc-tlve destruc-tlve effect of a flareback, as it Ignites the sacks of powder of a charge for one of the big 12-Inch ' guus. I The coal miner should be Insured by the i company employing him; his family should bo ( provided for so liberally that overy child In the family could be given the assurance of an education. edu-cation. In that way only can the miner, ' through his family, In any measure comroensu- rate with the risk, be compensated for tils' sacrifice. |