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Show Increasing The demand is constantly in-. in-. creasing for ' '-. rt?PBICts Flavoring v.m. Extracts IS This is accounted for by the fact that Dr. Price's flavors arc just isrepresented true to nature, A nade from the finest fruits, of w delicate taste, and of the greatest . itrength attainable. THE FIRST tiling to consider In depositing - money Is SECURITY. NATIONAL government superintends and examines this bank. Our stock-holders stock-holders and directors are respon-. respon-. slble, welt-to-do business men. ThN BANK has been established over lti years, during which time it has served the banking publlcjfalth-fully publlcjfalth-fully and built up a large and prosperous business. The best service possible is none too good (or our country customers and the people of LOGAN IWhen you hlnk, "Bank" think "First National." MDFFH Leading Hotel KLLUnfOgdenClty Is a model of convenience. The hotel otllce, 70 x 30 feet, is the most spacious and comfortable in the West. Two elevators, no climbing stairs, Re-furnished throughout. Rooms large, light and clean. Steam heated. inr&Tlflll Three blocks esat of Union LUlAIIUn. Depot! city 1U11 1'srk opposite op-posite on the west! Grand Opera House adjoining-on thosoutb; UtahnaPtrlc Theatre The-atre across tlio street north. The electric street railways from all parts of tbo city center at Its doors. EUROPEAN PUN. SiSiSSffiS? and upwards. Excellent Gate In counec-tlon. counec-tlon. Tlio best value for tbemonoy In thb State of Utah. Why notcome to the Hotel replete with every comfort when It costs no more money? Reed Hotel Co., Praps Your Watch Contains 100 separate pieces piec-es requiring 37G0 operations in the production. The Balance runs a mile an hour, iM miles In a day. One wheel revolves -1,730,400 times a year. Ttie Balance ' makes 57,080,000 vibrations every twelve months, ana keep3 lb up for years (sometimes (some-times never cleaned.) Is it not a faithful servant? Are You a Good Master? . It you want IT to give you Q good service why not bring r W, ' It to us? Wo will make it like new and It will last you years longer than If neglected. neglect-ed. All Work Is Guaranteed. , If you haven't a good watch let us sell on one. You know the place. The Johnson Jewelry Go, 1 Jewelers and Opticians . . "Ti ' ADMIRAL EVANS' FLEET I COMI3INED VITH fl The Pacific I Coast Fleet 1 48 War Vessels of all Classes 1 Will arrive at San Francisco, MAY 6th, and the Grand Manoeuvres, and Review by the Secretary of Navy, will jH take place in San Francisco Bay, May Sth. 'H This will be the greatest aggregation of fighting "'H machines ever assembled at one time in any port of 'M the world. M Reduced Rates About May 1st Via OREGON SHORT LINE and SOUTHERN PACIFIC I See Agents for Particulars. M RECEIVES CONGRATULATIONS. You will soon receive the congratulations congratu-lations of your friends upon your Improved Im-proved appearance It you will take Foley's Kidney Remedy as It tones up tho system and imparts new; life and vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy cures backache, nervous exhaustion and all forms ot kidney and bladder troubles. Commcnco taking it today. Sold by all drugRlsts and dealers. Holllster's itocky Mountain Tea ''fl never falls to tone the- stomach, purl- jk ty the blood, regulate the kldnoys, 'M liver and bowels. The greatest spring , tonic, makes and keeps you well. 35 M cents, Tea or Tablets. O. E. Napper '"H and Biter Bros. DrusCo's. "S f DRESSMAKING AT HOME f I N. A helpful monthly publication for sZs 9 II m y the whole family. 50c. a year until Af N .JH S y. ... - vv lunc 1: $1.00 per year thereafter, uiv U ANTON M '! f MAY MANT0Nv with two May Manton Patterns free AI MAIIUW I M 5 Address (DATTCDMc Z PATTERNS DRESSMAKING AT HOME PUB. CO- rAl l&KINS J 5 j MASONIC TEMPLE. CHICAGO i X ifl m ALL ALL !ioc.EAcfi Sayk - I J 0'M''inlV-iu''i S1 i I i fl Tlt9'TJ '' .-fmTl 1 1 AuClSf S I I ww Mi I i 1 Si. -v-n. j m B9IS ffBtt.f 5OT2 JSW.1KI.1&"A S920eUu,4W"1' $ 51 X If not convenient to call at one of the many stores selllnu MAY NANTCW PATTERNS, a pattern of X "ill f 'any ono of the garments shown above will bo mailed to any address on receipt of 10c; by letter mall, 2c extra X $ xm ak , it M X Write name correctly, state size and number accurately. ALL Patterns mailed tho day orders received, X 'H 2 Fashion Sheet of Lates't Sprlnu Styles on request. J jH I MAY M ANTON PATTERN COMPANY f M f i 32-1 42 West 27th Street, New York. J W fc 1 f' JIbbI , ., . ji .....? |