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Show Tho Alplno Stake Is about to install 10 up-to-dato I'lpo Organ In their tautlful Tabornaclor Tho building is dedicated In April, lg!3, and a Eg tall Itocd Organ haa beon in ubo for LI a yoars. It has been thought ad- A I1 sahlo to havo an up-to-dato Plpo jj gun placed In tho spneo lct for It Lj, tho south ond of tho building. Soino Tli orations In tho stand and somo i Inttng will also bo dono Insldo nnd I)., t, so that whon tho organ Is placed tin o wholo building Insldo and out will BjB it on a now appearance. Tho np- j,-r( oxlmato cost of organ and Improve sal ants will bo around $10,000.00. Tho 0x lurch has consented to pay $4,000.00. for 10 American Fork four wards as- mo one-half of tho balanco or c" ,000.00 and tho othor wards of tho ako aro to meet tho rcslduo of 0f ,000.00. bo Thoro Is a splondld fooling among 1 o pooplo rogardlng tho organ, and a imbor of our gontllo friends havo pr( iluntcorcd to holp pay for It. olo It would bo a nlco thing If ovory nni an, woman and child could havo JjjJ olr nainos rocorded as having holp- tllc on tho organ. r Sunday Juno 3rd la to bo known as cit Igham Young Day wherein np- J oprlato Borvlcos In Sunday School Pu id mooting will bo glvon. Tho Sun- iy School moniborshlp aro to contrl- c ito 10c each toward tho organ fund To" id each ward aro to havo tho funds Coi colloctod on tho amount allotted to on o ward. Lot ovorybody boost for "I'l o organ fund until tho dobt Is com- otoly pnld. for Respectfully, tor S. L. CUIPMAN, t JAMES II. CLAIIKE, ADBL JOHN EVANS, glx Alplno Stnko Presidency, no |