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Show Chicks Arrh Ono of tho blggost slnglo ahlpm'on ! of dny-old-chlcks camo In over tl i Oroin lino Tuesday morning. The wore C,000 In tho shipment whl I camo from Potuluma, California, fai , which was billed to Austin lirosi , Lohl. Only 35 of tho ontlro lot we i dead when thoy woro unpacked Saratoga. Tho Austin Bros, havo boon In t: , business ono year at tho resort ni thoy mot with such success that th , havo decided to go into tho busfne on a largo scale. Thoy uso thorh ', spring water to heat tho coops" di , ing tho spring nnd winter. It Is on , necessary to plpo tho -water throui tho crops bo as to got a circulath aud tholr heat question, which Is i ossontlal with tho young chicks, entirely eliminated. If tho aanio d greo of success Is attalnod this yes with tho bigger lot of birds tho cor pany oxpecta to got from C0.000 I 100,000 chicks next yenr and mako tl Snratoga farm ono of tho blggei chicken ranches In tho stato. Sovoral other local peoplo aro star Ing out in tho buslnoss this yea Among theso nro: J. W. Goodwli with 3000; L"eRoy Davis, COO; J.' 1 Thrns'her, several thousand; For Roberts, 1000; Jnmos Gough, COO David D. Roberta, 600;' "David Pete son, 500; and Mrs. Sarah 12. Gnlsfon COO. o |