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Show mtr be poaltlve In my atatemon aa nearly aa I am able to learn, oly actor la about 23 and unmarried, addreaa la Metro Btudloa, Holly Dear Mlaa Brooke; '.0U received my laat ar.awera Ise wlah to thank you very much for Plo JUeatlona today are. (1) 1 publlah the worda to the aona en "On the Way to Wakakie." (2) Is re- any aahool In Bait Lake, or vl where they aaaure a student ted wh,n ihy complete the couraeT . how long- muat you go. Wlahln 1 n aucceaa, I am, ind BHOIITY, Tooele, Ml; Very clad you were pleased your anawera, Shorty. (1) Borr your aong- can be had In the ahopa, therefore cannot print It. rke U SO oents. May I have I yeuT (9) -I have had a oati , but you, and I am very auro every one your who contributes their bit in thla way Hla for another'a pleaaure la alao made wood, happy. leant to you from a business collage, inrt I las I Infer tl.lx l h. -A.?..' |