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Show rdonB, " s wns At Capacity j foro 1 (a.nlng Thoro is nt least ono concorn In Lohl treots, thnt 8 growjriff and nt thja wrjting a on(J has moro business than It can handlo h and wttn tno prC80nt amount o holp ora- t p,oyod' Th,a ,B 11,0 LohI Coroal Com-Jthout Com-Jthout pnny wncll commenced operations muled ,0g8 thnn two ycnrs ng0 'n J'10 Manager Youngborg roports that tho o i pr0llucts ot l,3- co'inpany nro in do- -0n y mand In most parts of tho ntato now made, nnd flomo aru gon tQ I(Jaho AU of ady u tho loading Salt Lako bakorlos and v0, most of thoso In Utah County aro 22 to using products ot this mill. A regular ortnnt truck dollvory system Is malntalnod early which gooa as far south ns MantI nnd brood- norti, t0 SaU Lako, taking In Gar-k2in Gar-k2in Hold, Bingham and Buroka. Tho pro-ipaign pro-ipaign ducta mn,i0 trfcludo Health Bran, Tan rod a cnito Flour, two cereals nnd two catch- gradoa ot wholo wheat flour, tween xiio mill Is kept running- over? day and much ot tho tlmo ovortlmo work Icalth la necessary. Bosldos Manager 3 high Youngborg, Eugono Mason and Prea-oblem Prea-oblem ton Gray nro employed. |