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Show I MAN CALLED BY DEATH V i I Ira D. Wines, bankor nnd himlnmn ' man of Lchl for years, died at his Tionfli riillo a rtu:. I homo in Salt Lako Thursday, He -was 77 years of ago and until tho past few months had hcon nctlva In llfo and business. An Injury to his foot caused him consldorablo troublo for sotno tlmo before his death. Funeral services woro conducted at the Masonic Temple, Salt Lako, Saturday Sat-urday at 11 a. m. undor tho direction of the Mason lodge. Interment was In the Wines plat In tho Lohl como-tcry. como-tcry. Tho honorary pall bearors woro: J, C. Cutler, Judgo Smith, Mr. Scott, Ceorgo Smith, Mark Austin and S. I. Goodwin. I Born nt Terro Hauto", Ind., Novom-', ber 14, 1845, ho camo to Utah at tho ago of 12 years. lie rarly ongagod In herding horses and In being a relief rider for tho pony express. He moved from Salt Lako after a tow years to Lehl, and hero ho was 1 married to Margaret Taylor, who died 1 In 1909 In California. Ho returned to Salt Lako, where ha ngnln marrlod. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Wlnos, four sons 1 nnd two daughters survive him. I. f H. Wlnos and S. L. Wines, both of Salt Lako; S. T. Wlnos of Ituby Val- , ley, Nevada; D. L. Wlnos or Los Angoles, California; Mrs. Isaac Wood- 1 house and Mrs. Lewis Sharp, both of Ruby Valley, Nevada. Thirty-four 1 grandchildren and six groat-grand- t children also nro living. Mr. Wlnos was a member of tho Utah legislature ' from Carbon county when tho atato ' was divided along tho Hno3 of tho t national parties for tho first tlmo. i Mr. Wines careor opened hero when . ihe and T. R. Cutler and nssoclatos started tho early Forwarding Com- 1 pany whon Lehl was tho terminus of the railroad. Ho continued In business, busi-ness, becoming associated in tho , People's Co-op. later, of which ho was ' president when ho dlod. Ho was ono I of tho organizers of Lohl'a first bank, j Ho acquired largo land holdings... In i Ituby Valley, Nevada, whoro ho was , still owner of sovernl ranches nt tho tlmo of death. His homo hero used to c stand on tho southwest corner of tho X now Mnrgarot Wines Park, -which was f donated to Lohl City by Mr. Wlnos In IS12- . r n..m X. r |