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Show Iiiong suiterer Goes To Reward Andrew A. Pctorson died nt his homo In tho First Ward yesterday morning at 12:55 a. m. Ho has been , 111 for somo threo years and for tho , past ton weeks has boon confined to ' his bed during which tlmo he has suffered suf-fered a great deal. Brlghts dlseaBO , caused his death. During his Illness Mr. Peterson displayed a very patient disposition and a wonderful constitution. con-stitution. Andrew A. Peterson was tho son of , A. A. nnd Mary A. Krldson Peterson and was born In Lohl, Decombor 5, 1SG5, He wns brought up hero and , has followed tho occupation of farm- . er. In tho year 188ii, ho married Sarah E. Wobb from which union four sons nnd two daughtors camo. His , widow and tho following children sur- ' vivo him: William A., Virgil, Laverne Taylor, Lester, Ernest and Pearl, ulong with flvo grandchlldron and tho I following brothers and slts'ors: Joseph i and Hyrum, Arizona, David, Mrs. Wra. Southwlck, Mrs. Lawrenco Hill and Mrs, Lyman Losseo, i Funeral Borvlces. will bo hold FrI- 1 day at 2 p. m. In tho First Ward 1 church. I |