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Show m French Designers Aro Giving At- Smartly Cut Sweater m tentlon to Garment for r. c w. i . I Costume Suit. Tbo costunlo suit bavins evolved 1 t stage where tlio separate blouse co bo mado a part of It, we find U French designers giving tbolr nttentlc to tbo blouse, writes a Paris fashlc correspondent In the New York Time Tha conscqucnco Is that wo aro pn tented with now Btyles and design which plenso not only by tholr artlstr and beauty, but bavo a strong nppei becnuso of their economical posslbll Martini ct Annand aro embrolderln their blouses with wool to creato Hulgnrlnn effect Thoy also bnvo man of heavy whlto crepe do chlno am crcpo georgette. Tho wristbands ar mado to look like pendent bracelets b; means of tho llttlo ribbons and buckle fastened to them. Jean Pntqu shows a strong prcfci enco for tho sailor blouso with an ex tremcly youtbfnl look. Thero an many blouses of soft crcpo trlmmec with ornamental braidings or wltl fancy pieces of ribbon, which aro mad to stand out Thero nro somo thlr blouses mndo of flower embroidered orgnndlo in tho stylo of tho Second em plre. Maay of theso blouses hnv Jabots of loco and collars of lace to be worn with tho strictly tailored suit Tho lnco Is cream colored nnd extremely ex-tremely flno in texture. Beer Is mnklng blouses of real lace trimmed with bands of crepo or taf-fctn. taf-fctn. Ho also has blouses of crepo do chine, embroidered with metal threads in all-over patterns, to be worn with Bults where their gorgeousness shows at tho front of tho coat when it Is left open. Thero are blouses with Hussion Hus-sion embroidery nnd somo trimmed with chcnlllo galloon. Others show Spring Suit With Braid Embroidery on Coat Distributed In Ordinal Mannar. Man-nar. motifs of colored bead embroidery and edgings of closely sowed beads. l'remet has blouses mnde of two con-feasting con-feasting colors, say, of black and white, tho gllet being of white, the body of tho blouso black, and the sleeves of a combination of black and whlto. There are somo of theso blouses with whlto pepo do chlno for tho foundation. Doucet has built nround n gllet of 'enttquo tapestry a blouso of crepo seorgetto and satin used in comblna-won. comblna-won. For tho thrce-pleco suits thero ro Interesting llttlo blouses mndo of a combination of crepo nnd the material Wed for tho suit to 1 ot tno couturiers liavo agreed vi vanea -OI enowina a smartly cut sweater co of varied colors. It Is worn with white plaited Canton skirt The hat of Japanese straw In blue. |