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Show I llnllUL Ul LIU U. S JEIRIAL EXCHANGE OF TELEQRAM8 BE- Pl" TWEEN HARDING AND MIL L'ERAND 18 FEATURE LilVW Ambassador Stresses U. 8. Desire for Preservation of Friendship Between Be-tween Allied Natlone; Her rick Presents Note Pari. An exchnngo of telegrams J botwecn I'rcsldont Harding and I'rosU ,. dent Mlllarond was a foaturo Mon- day of ono of tho most moving core- . monies lioro slnco tho groat war when , 6 at tho Invalldos tho now "Halls In honor of tho allied armies," especial . ly tho American army, woro formally ft thrown opon. No dlscourso mnrkod tho dodlcn. nnC( tlon ceremony. It was only a silent- tno tributo to tho motnory ot tho dead. clv( Prealdont Mlllorand rovlowcd tho j guard ot honor and thon grecotod ntm Ambassador Horrlck. Col6nol T. catj( Dontloy Mott, tho military attacho at tmK tho American ombussy, and tho otlior of momhors of tho diplomatic corps, jl(( Then, followed by n numorous com. mon pany ot diplomats and military at- n(JU tachos and many American civilians, lt tho presldont passed through tho jtcg commemorative halls, Including tlioso Qth(J dovotod to tho United States, Eng- (r0R land, I'ortugal, Bolglum, Japan, Italy, tcnd Jtumanla, Jugoslavia and 1'oland. forn Many French officers woro pros- C(1 ent but Marshal Foch, In slmplo ovor civilian attire, socmod most to cm- ornr body tho dominating noto ot tho core- 8na tnony Franco at poaco solemn ot n n, nnlty in tho common cause. th0 Presldont Harding's message was or(jc communicated to Prosldent Millorand KOn( by Ambassador Horrlck. The am- corn tiassador doclnrod tho prosldont ,of tho United Stntos was Impressed by tho thought that thM dedication ot jj8 momo'rlos ot tho World war would Bont not only be tho most Interesting ot Its to t kind in tho world's history, but would tlao also constitute a personal appeal to joct( tha sentiments which, among all the cllllti nations, inspired tho splondld coop- nooj eration witnessed during tho war. UB0 1 nirti |