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Show ei int Bootleggers to Pay Liquor Tax t Vashlngton. Tho govornmont Frl- ki docldcd to launch n campaign to tl co Illicit whisky denlers to dls. a go millions ot dollars allogod to bo ot i tho govornmont In taxes in liquor tl; oa. Internal revenue collectors, tli iporntlng with prohibition author, in s, have bocn ordorod to dig Into records gatberod In raids nnd euros for ovldonco to compel pay. nt of tho lilddon rovonues. Itov- rc 10 oxporta estimated thoro aro Bl bably TiO.OOO woalthy bottloggors to tho Unltod .States, ltablo for tax t rmonts and penalties provldod by w |