OCR Text |
Show Our Own Money to Loan On New Homes ! : , . . ... NO COMMISSIONS ir !: - NO DELAYS ff ; l All papers kept in our own yaults. I " Onll or write. , . 1 - I Inter-Mountain Life Insurance Co. : 11th Floor Boston Building ; SALT LAKE OITY, UTAH WhicSi Is Lairges? tlie Sun or a Cent c t The sun is the largest but you can hold I 1 the cent so close to your eye that you'll m j lose sight of the sun. Don't let a cheap price or a big can baldng powder make r you lose sight of quality. I The Economy Rf&KBMG PfSWBER L T Is the quality leav- gfggl II I -C - ener for real econ- 1 A9 i omyinthe kitchen, riaiWTMrT I alvvaysuseCalumet, I A1UM m Mxh one vvi con- xSri, f vinceyou. PjK 1 The sale of Calu- hJPI I L U met is over 150 f(R m. greater than that of k.Jj" ; III ' L . aiiy other baking HI ' . 1 Powder. uxsv av test H 'THE WORLD'S GREATEST DXKING POWDER, DHAIIY, PIIOVIDINO FOH THE P POINTMENT OF DIItECTOnS tl IEUEOF, DEFINING THEIR, POW- tl IS AND DUTIES, AND FOH THE o 3VY OF A TAX FOIt THE MAIN- o 3NANCB OF THE SAME. t Whereas, on tho 24th day of May A. , 1017, a petition was presented to " o City Council of Lehi City, duly d 5ncd by ton por cent of tho legal tors of said City, requesting that a co Public Library bo established In " id Lohl City, nnd that a tax not to cccd ono mill on tho dollar bo lovled c r tho establishment and malnten- n: co of such library, whereupon tho ty Council In Conformity with such tltlon, und In nccordanco with tho " rt as provided In Section 18C9 Iawo w, Utah, 191C, did call an oloctton to held on tho 2(ith day of Juno A. D., " 17, for tho purposo of determining lothor or not such Library bo ostab- vl hod and whereas a majority of tho 01 oporty tax payors voting nt such 1,1 jctlon, voted for tho establishment " d mnlntennnco of a Froo Public brnry, and that a tax bo lovled b; oroforo not to exceed Ono Mill on J" o Dollar. b( Thoroforo; Do It Ordained by tho ty Council of Lohl City. Soctlon 1. Established. A Free ibllc Library Is horoby established j; r tho ubo and bonollt of tho In-bltants In-bltants of Lohl City. Section 2. Directors; Appointment; A irm. Tho mayor by and with tho nscnt of the' City Council, shall, up- oj : tho taking effect of this ordinance, C point six suitable persons to bo ai ombbrs of tho Hoard of Directors of ci 0 public library of Lehi City, two fi r a torm of two years, two for a ol nn of four yenrs and two for a torm D six years from tho Urst day of ly nttor their appointment and (! unnlnlly thereafter two for a term of F t "years; provided, that all dlroctors iw appointed nnd serving shall fill ( it tho unexpired torm for whlcn thoy all constitute tho Doard or Directors l jro appointed; such persona so np- Inted, tcgethor with tho mayor, all constltuto tho Doard of Dlroctors T such public library, such dl'ectors t all bo choson from tho citizens at rgo, with reference to tho tltncss of a rli persons for tho nppolnlment; Id porsons boforo assuming tho itlos of such olllco shall qualify by taking tho constitutional oath of olllco, and glvo a bond to Lohl City In tho sum of Two Hundred Dollars, con-1 con-1 dltloned for tho faithful performance of tholr duties, said bond to bo approved ap-proved by tho Mayor and fllod with tho City llocordor. Soctlon 3. Tho Mayor may, by and with tho consent of tho council romovo any dlroctor for misconduct or negloct of duty. Soctlon 4. Vacnnclos: Vacancies in tho board of directors, caused by romovalfl, resignation or othorwlsc, shall within thirty days bo roported by (ho secrotary of the board to tho city council, nnd such vacancies shall bo filled lnvllko mannor as original nppolntmouts, nnd no dlroctor shall rocolvo any compensation. Soctlon 5. Powers: Said Dlroctors shall Immodlntoly nttor their appointment appoint-ment nnd biennially thereafter, moot and oloct ono of tholr numbor as President, and such othor ofllcors as thoy mny doom nocossary. Thoy may mako and adopt such by-laws, rules, regulations for tholr guldanco, and for tho government of tho library as may bo expedient, not Inconsistent with luw. Thoy shall havo oxcluslvo control of tho expenditure of all monoy collected for tho benefit of tho library fund, nnd of tho construction of any library building, and qt tho fliiporvlslon, caro, and custody of tho grounds, rooms, and bulldngs constructed, con-structed, loased, or act apart for that purposo; Providod, that all moneys rocplvod tor such library shall bo dopoaltcd In tho city treasury to tho credit of tho library fund, and shall bo kept separate separ-ate nnd npart from othor moneys of tho city, and drawn upon by tho prop-or prop-or olllcora of tho city upon the properly authenticated vouchors of tho library board. Said board shall havo power to purchaso or loaso grounds, to loaso or oreot an appropriate appropri-ate building or buildings for tho uso or said library, to appoint a suitablo librarian and nocossary assistants, to fix tholr bond, nnd compensation, to romovo such appointees at will, and, In gonoral, to carry out tho spirit and Intent of tho provisions of this ordinance, ordin-ance, in establishing and maintaining a public library Soctlon C. Uso of library. Tho library horoby established, shall bo for over froo to tho uso of tho Inhabitants In-habitants of Lehi City, subject, how-over, how-over, to such reasonable rules and regulations as tho library board may adopt, in ordor to rondor the uso of Bald library of tho greatest bonollt to tho grontost numbor; nnd said board may oxoludo from tho uso of said library any all persons who shall wilfully wil-fully violate such rules. Said board may oxtond tho prlvllogea and uso of such library to porsons residing outside out-side or tho city, but In tho stato, upon sjcii terms and conditions as said board may from, time to tlmo by Us regulations rcscrlbo. Soctlon 7. Directors' Report. Tho said board of directors shall make, on or boforo tho second Monday In Juno, nn annual report to tho Clt Council, stating tho condition of tholr trusts on tho first day of Juno of that year, tho. various sums of monoy re-coivod re-coivod from (ho library fund and from arlodlcals on hund, the nuntbor add-1 add-1 by purchaso. gift, or otherwlso, nrlng tho year; tho number of books .at or musing; tho numbor of visit-rs visit-rs nttcndlng; tho number of books innod out, and tho gonoral charactor nd kind of such books; with such :her statistics, Information, and sug-jstlons sug-jstlons as thoy may deem of gonora itorost. All such portions of said sport as rolato to tho rocolpt and ox-ondlturo ox-ondlturo of monoy, as well as tho umber of books on hand, books lost : missing, nnd books purchased, shall j verified by affidavit. Soctlon 8. Donations. Any person jslrlng to mako donations of monoy, jrsonal property, or real ostato, for io benefit of such library, Bhall havo to right to vest tho tltlo to tho monoy r roal estate so donated In tho board ' dlrei tors created by this ordinance bo held nnd controlled by such jard, when accopted, nccordlng to io torms of tho deed, gift, or dovlse, : bbnwtt of such property; and as j i such property, said board shall bo 3ld ond considered to bo special usteer. Soctlon 9. Tax Lovy. Tho City ouncll shall each year In tho mannor escribed by law, lovy and collect a lx not to oxcood-ono mill on tho dol-r dol-r to maintain such library and to 1 tho ngreohient horotoforo mado 1th tho Carnoglo Corporation of ow York for tho establishment ot a co library In Lohl City. Soctlon 10. Ponnlty. Any porson olatlng any of tho provisions of this dinnnco shall bo dcomod guilty of a Isdemcanor, nnd upon conviction loreof shall, bo punlshod by a flno of . )t moro than ono hundred dollars, or ' imprisonment In tho city Jail not oro than ono hundred dnys, or by ith such flno and Imprisonment. Soctlon 11. This ordlnnuco shall ko effect upon tho 1st day of May , D., 1923. Passed this 10th day of April A. D., 23. . - JOSEPH S. DROADBENT, Mayor. ttost: I, A. F. Galsford, Jr., tho duly lallflod recordor in and for Lohl Ity, do hereby certify that tho above id foregoing Is n true and correct ipy of nn ordlnanco rn'atlng lo tho oo library, as passed by tho Council : Lohl City on tho 10th of April A. 1923. A. F. QAISFORD, JR., Seal) . City Rocordor. Irst Publication April 19, 1923. COLD IN. THE HEAD" nn aeuto attack of Nasnl Catarrh. Iioso subject to frequent "colds" aro Bnerally In a "run down" condition. UAM8 CATAlltm MEDICINE Is n rcatmcnt consisting of nn Ointment, to s used locally, and a Tonic, which nets ulckly throuRh tho Dlood on the Mums Mu-ms surfaces, building up tho System, id maklnc you leas liable to "colds." Bold by druggists for over 40 Yrus. V, J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. O JNotice NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE OAK HOLLOW LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY. Thero will bo n meeting ot tho stockholders of tho Oak Hollow Land & Livestock Company hold at 8 p. m., Tuesday, April 24, 1923, at tho Lehi City .Memorial building, Lehi City, Utah County, Stato of Utah. Arttclo 1C "Tho stock of tho corporation corpor-ation shall bo non-assessablo until paid up In full and thou shall not be forfoltod by any legal holder for any reason whatsoover," Proposed to change artlclo 15 co that it will road as follows: "Tho capital stock of tho corporation Is assessablo for all purposes necessary and proper to carry out tho objoct of this corporation." (Signed) W. W. 'JLARIC, President. ' J. E. '.ONE, Secretary. 4 348b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publlshor) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Olllco at Salt Lako City, Utah, March 24, 1923, Notice is horeby given that Asa K. Butterflold, of Itlvorton, Utah, who, on Fobruary 2C, 1918, mado Homestead ontry, No. 022608, for S&SBH, Soctlon Soc-tlon 17, Township 4 South, Rango I' Wost, Salt Lake Meridian, has lllod notlco of intention to mako throe-year Proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo described, before tho Register aud Rocolvor, U. S. Land Olllco, at Salt Lako City, Utah, on tho 8th day of May, 1923. Claimant names as wltnossos; Fredorlck Pholps, Charles Tumor, John Smith, John Howoll, all of Rluffdalo. Utah. GOULD B. BLAKLEY, Register. First Publication March 29, 1923. SUMMON8 In tho District Court ot Utah County, State of Utah. Myzoll Jacobson, Plaintiff, vs. Edwin Lavor Jacobson, Dofondant.--Summons. Tho Stato of Utah to Said Defendant: You nro hereby summoned to appear ap-pear before tho above entitled Court within twenty days nttor sorvlco ot this summons upon you, If you ure servod within the county lu which this action Is brought, othorwlso within thirty dnys aftor such sorvlco, and In enso of your falluro so to do, Judgment Judg-ment will bo rondorod against you trc-cordlng trc-cordlng to tho demands of tho complaint com-plaint which hns boon fllod with tho Clerk ot tho Court. This action Is brought to dlssolvo tho bonds of matrimony horotoforo and now Misting Mist-ing between you and tho plaintiff. MORGAN, COLEMAN & STRAW, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Addross: Provo " Commercial Bank Building, Provo City,-Utah. First Publication April 6, 1923. Prevent Destruction ' mmT Avalanches mm mm of Dust- KB $ 4 WwHmi htoltms out htautf cnd vahe BBttM 'E 'e WMfMtfJy$i A Undtlld of grlme-n.v.r tndlaz WwBlSi W ' m mrt'&WWwtffi -liweptlmothhoutwlthvery NSJ m '4WM& Whit Mtdltn MlgHtt II ctn t vEvKCvNCr- VftBim prevented by painting tht wiH( nd A UwVIMmI ccDln(' wllh DTO v,lour FlnUh- VAAvVWMLiiKSMlli WMthabl; makes pouibl th con. nUUmYmWfflR ts1)tmilnteoancofthitoft,iovtly I Doesn't Like to Live In Windsor Castlie M i'ers to live at Buckingham Palace rather than at R AVindsor Castlcbecause the plumbing is more up-to-Q date. Urn In this, His Majesty is wise.. Good health and M comfort are largely dependent upon modern plumb-King. plumb-King. I ja Your family's health and comfort ought not to! be threatened by antiquated, insanitary plumbing I fin that is a daily menace.. j Your entire house can be equipped with new plumbing fixtures at a moderate cost. Drop in our m show-room ask for prices and bo pleasantly sur-m sur-m prised. I M. S. Lott Plumbing and Heating MAIN STREET LEHI, UTAH Save Time, Labor and Money When You Clean House No more time spoilt on the lmrd work o heating and sweeping .rugs nftfl hangings no nior.c money spent in replacing rugs which are worn out in this process. The ' EUREKA Vacuum Cleaner will clean your rugs quickly and efficiently, and prevont tho wear and tear of old-fashioued house-cleaning house-cleaning methods. Special Terms for April Only $ 1 Down and $ 5 a Month Order Your EUREKA N$W! Five days free trial if you wish it places you under no obligation. Utah Power & Light Co. "Efficient Public Service" Everything Electrical for tho Home. |