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Show iLLrLLuu IU lhu OVERNMENT UNABLE TO BRING GAMBLER8 UNDER CON-8PIRARCY CON-8PIRARCY LAW atherlng of Records Covering Operations Opera-tions In Product fay Federal Investigators Continued; Officials Reticent Washington. Tho government is alpless to provent tho sugar gougo hlch la costing tho American pooplo hugo sura ovory day. Govornmont officials havo ovldonco I tho operations of sugar gamblers, hoy havo a conspiracy law. Thoy innot bring tho gamblers undor the w. That Is tho oxact situation Sntur-ly Sntur-ly whilo sugar prices continue to lmb. The trouble is that tho existing w docs not soom to cover such jerntlons as tho ovldonco in tho inds of government officials shows ' o being carried on. Thoro Is no doubt In officials' Inds of tho guilt of certuln Indl-dunls. Indl-dunls. Put thoy cannot find what loy call "a point of dopnrturo" In q law from which to begin u 'osocutlon that will Btlck. This explains tho retlccnco of ot-:inls ot-:inls from President Harding down ' i tho government's plans for rollov-g rollov-g tho Amorlcnn peoplo from tho bu. ir robbory. Tho only plan thoro Is institutes : 1. Continuing to gathor records iverlng operations in sugar. In ow York membora ot tho sugar ox-inngo ox-inngo woro called on by federal vostlgntors for their recorda. 2. Cqntlnulng a aoarch for somo ny to slap tho law on them. Monntlmo, some ot tho facts In tho ivornmont's possession may bo glv-i glv-i publicity from tlmo to time, for ro ronsons first, to Jot tho public low that tho price lncrenao fa nr-llclttl nr-llclttl nnd not caused by any short-:o short-:o or other natural causo, and, soc-id soc-id to lot the sugar profltoors know at tho government knows what ey aro doing and how thoy aro do. |