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Show o Ordinance Passed Relating To Carnegie Library An ordlnnnco Establishing a Fro Public Library, Providing for the At polnmont ot Directors thereof, deflnlm tholr powers and duties and for th levy ot n tax for Its maintenance wa passed by tho City Cuncll. The tox ot tho ordlnnnco Is printed In th! Issuo. Tho parsing ot this ordlnano at this tlmo is made necessary bt cause, of the fact thHt au ordinano providing for this purpose was ovqi looked at the time of Uie esUblUhin ! of tho library. Tho question of trees for the Wlno ' Park and cemetery were dUcusso Tuesday ovonlng at adjourned mooi Ing of the City Council. Councllmai Gilchrist suggested that a row o trees be planted on the outslJe o the walks around tho park. This woul provide extra shade and make th park larger and of more use to th oltlzens, it was' pointed out. The suj gestlon met with unttod approval an Dy ii commlttoo was appointed to so sa a prlco on trocs. o Mooting adjourned- to Tuof ,r. April 24th when othor ordinances ly to. como up. Among theso Is on u tho now clgnrotto law and one , llconsos for doing business In : 30 City. |