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Show ftSrjABINETe 3r 1,M' WUrn Newspaper Union What la this sudden gayety ahakea tho grayeat boughs? uie cruyeai oougnsr A votco la callujg Aeldward-lt U to start the ploughs I To act the furrowa rolling, while the old crows nod; And deep as life, the kernel, to cut golden sod. The pen lot natloiia have It; i N Plough awhllo for Qod. Olive Tlford Don Hj QOOD THINGS FOR THE FAI PU Most pcoplo like tho old-fash jfg four milk biscuit When well : m wlUi ono pint of flour, sifting thoroughly mixed. Add enough milk to handlo as soft as prsslblo, D out, cut and bako In a quick oven Spanloh Beans. Soak over i one cupful of Spanish Iwans, an tho morning boll unUl soft Drain cook in n frying pan In one-half !ful of ollvo oil with four onions, 11 chopped, ono chopped clovo of gt Stir until tho onions nro a go brown. Add a bay leaf, a pint of ed tomatoes, salt and pepper to tn cover tho pan and rcduco tho heo simmering, or plnco In tho oven fo hour. Servo In a vegetable dish a garnish of green peppers. Frlcasaee of Oysters. For vni this Is a good way to servo tho fo lto Bhcllllsh. Put a quart of oys with their liquor on to como to boiling point When tho edges 181 curled rcmovo nt onco nnd di a Into n saucepan put a tablespoo of butter; when bubbling hot nd tnblespoonful of flour, stir x smooth, then add tho cupful of oy or liquor and mix with tho beaten y m. of two eggs, salt nnd pepper to lo. son, a dash of cayenne, n tens'poo of lemon Julco anil meg. Bent well, return to tho 1 and cook Just long enough to set eggs. Add tho oysters nnd 6crvo 8 squnres of buttered toast Chicken MousM.-Chop nnd poi tho cooked breast meat of chick season, mix with gelntln nnd whlpi a cream nnd mold. Servo with a ere 0 sauce. This la botb a dainty t U tasty dish. i- 8 . Be BtrongI todrl"' h"8 10 Play t0 drcan W"tohMVft:'iard work t0 601 ond ,03 1 BhUaodIJ.ottttl8 tth,Bsl0i fac ' Maltbe D. Dabcoch J WHAT TO EAT 8 in ul". w,, enJira cntcrtalnl j will find helpful suggestions In tho 1 5 ,ow,Dff menu: Tho nv " KM 8 hostess who cnt ta'ns finds tho court HI "hlch mny be prcpar t jH HJ before, leaving her ft 1 NEt at tbo la8t most satsfi tory- T,1 beginning m Hi b0 a fnl1' cocktail, 5Sg5 hors d'oeuvre, prepar S.3) with bread cut In st vj, form; on each point placed a different kind f vofy morBeI, wlUi a bit of pimen for tho center. Chopped olives, a chovy, chow-chow, or any other relb liked. Tho next comes bouillon or crca (of "anything") soup, with wafer croutons or very thin and very smo sandwiches. Now comes the main dish, whl may bo lamb chops, tenderloin wl mushroom sauce, potato croquctti all served on tho plate, with a u spoonfuls of the very small strli beans, well buttered. Tho salad course may bo tomato cut In halves, filled with Neufchat cheosoand topped with a thin slice green pepper, pl . d on lettuce, ai a French dressing j p sed. Tho dessert may bo maple Ico cream plain vanilla cream, topped with m plo sirup, poured over It qulto ho coffeo and spongo cake, or llttlo fam cakes may be served with the dessci Tho above provides a. meal whl may bo prepared largely In advnnc An emergency dish for an unexpec ed men! may bo prepared by uslr patty shells, which may bo found In e most nny bako shop, filled nil creamed flsh, chicken, sweetbread mushrooms or oysters, any one which is delicious. Accompany this dish with n vegcti bio or two, or ono vegctnblo and crisp salad of wutercrcss, or lettu with any snappy, hlghly-sensone dressing. Whero Ices nnd frozen dishes c various kinds mny bo quickly obtn.lne from" the market, a dessert Is not dish to worry about. |