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Show Insets of Filet Used for the Table Cover Ono of tho most popular decoration for tho linen card tnblo cover Is Insel of fllet Corners about four Inchc square nro seen on many nttractlv ones. Linen Is especially satisfactory as It Is dainty to cat upon nnd Inur ders beautifully. Ono good-looktn, linen cover of homespun wns decora tlvo with colored .wool embroider; Stenciling In brilliant colors Is nnoth er suggestion. A. floral motif applle to diagonal corners Is a suggestion Any design that Is showy Hko a tulip chrysanthemum or hollyhock Is good and butterflies, peacocks, parrots anc bluebirds .havo possibilities as havt fruits. Bright colored crepe give! a cheerful note when appllqued In the form of cherries, apples, pears or oranges. It Is especially offcctlvo on tan. nuck Is another material useful for these Individual card covers. It should be cross-stltched or darned In the bright reds nnd blues, with an accent ac-cent of black to give tho effect of the very much used Russian or Crocbo- |