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Show Faculty Assignments Listed for Parowan High School Faculty assignments at the Parowan High School for the 1961-C2 school year were announced an-nounced recently by Principal Max Dalley. With the chairman listed first in each instance the committees are as follows: Graduation, Marvin Graff, Mrs. Marguerite Orton and Principal Dalley; Scholarship and attendance, attend-ance, Prin. Dallev, Lowell Caldwell, Cald-well, Mr. Graff, D. G. Van Aus-dal; Aus-dal; Assemblies, L. N. Asay; School paper, Mrs. Juanita Orton, Mrs. Marguerite Orton; Yearbook Advisor. Marguerite Orton; Ram-ette Ram-ette advisor, Mrs. Lorna Rue Pymm. ICEA Room representative, Mr. Asay; Drama director, Mrs. Jean Hendrickson ; Clocks and bells, Mr. Van Ausdal; Teachers welfare wel-fare and socials, Thales I'rown. Juanita Orton, Alice Gardner; Public relations and hospitality, Mrs. Hendrickson and Mrs. Juanita Juani-ta Orton; Fire and safety, Mr. Van Ausdal, Claude Adams, Prin. Dalley; Class advisors: 12th grade. Mr. Graff; 11th grade, John Wood and Mrs. Pymm; 10th, IIr. brown and Juanita Orton; ninth, Mr. Adams and Mrs. Gardner; Gard-ner; eighth, Mr. Caldwell, and seventh, Mrs. Hendrickson. |