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Show I Conflict Forces Jr. High Track Meet Change The Cedar High School Letter-man's Letter-man's Club has been forced to change the date for their Junior High School Track and Field meet which had been scheduled for Sat., May 22. The change became be-came necessary to avoid a conflict with the MIA regional dance festivals fes-tivals of the area. The MIA Dance festivals had been sceduled for Saturday, May 15th, and the Lettermen's Club selected May 22 for their event However, church authorities set the dance festival date back a week, from May 15 to May 22. Since many junior high students stu-dents who planned to participate in the track meet, were also Involved In-volved in the dance festival activities, ac-tivities, it became necessary for the Lettermen to concede to the MIA and change the track meet date. After confering with officals of the schools effected the Letter-men Letter-men decided to change the meet from Saturday, May 22, to Friday Fri-day afternoon, May 21. The young men, who have worked hard to develop a worthwhile event, are hoping that the change of date will not have any damaging effects ef-fects on participation in their ac- tivity. Shortening the meet to an afternoon af-ternoon affair will make it necessary neces-sary to conduct trials, with tho best times and distances to determine det-ermine final winners in the individual in-dividual events. Ribbons will be presented all winners and a very nice trophy will be presented the school that compiles the most total points. |