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Show Student Council Organized at LDS Institute First reading of the budget for Cedar City Corporation was held at the regular meeting of the council Thursday, May 6, according accord-ing to Mayor Kumen Gardner. The reading was accepted by the council based on a mill levy of 25.80, the same as during the current year. Second reading is slated for the regular council meeting to be held on June 3, the Mayor indicated. It was also reported to the council that the state has appor-tloned appor-tloned $16,531 to Cedar City through the Class C road fund. Two public hearings were held , in connection with the council meeting. The first hearing wa held to consider an addition to to Zoning Ordinance regulating R-2 if The proposal was to Include In the zone convelscing and nursing homes. No opposition opposi-tion was expressed and the council coun-cil authorized the city attorney to draw up the necessary ordinance ordin-ance to include this type of institutions in the zone. The second hearing was for the change of zone from R-2 to R-3 a section near the College of Southern Utah for the purpose of allowing multiple dwelling units. Question arose as to the affect of property values in the area as well as parking problems. The matter was tabled by the council for further study and action. Council authorized the inclusion inclu-sion of a one-half page advertisement adver-tisement in the Lions Club State Convention booklet In connection with the convention activities planned for Cedar City on June 9, 10. 11. The Cedar City Jaycees were also authorized to use the race track area for a circus to be brought to the romipunity, based on the paying of a license fee. In other action the council autnorized the purchase of a mower to be used at the municipal munici-pal golf course In the amount ol $1879 and authorized a call foi bids, to be opened May 20 at p. m. for a trader to pull the mower. A transfer, as loan, from th Airport Construction fund to th '. Golf Course fund was approvec by the council in the amount ol $3,000. Budget has been preparec ; to repay the loan during the nex I year, the Mayor said. |